11 results filtered with: Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561
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M. Blundevile his exercises : containing sixe treatises, the titles wherof are set down in the next printed page: which treatises are verie necessarie to be read and learned of all yoong gentlemen that haue not bene exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to haue knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the arte of navigation ... To the furtherance of which arte of navigation, the said M. Blundevile speciallie wrote the said treatises and of meere good will doth dedicate the same to all the young gentlemen of this realme.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: 1594- Books
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Mr. Blundevil his exercises : contayning eight treatises, the titles wherof are set down in the next printed page. Which treatises are very necessary to be read and learned of all young gentlemen, that have not been exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to have knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the arte of navigation ... To the furtherance of which art of navigation, the said Mr. Blundevil specially wrote the said treatises, and of meere good will doth dedicate the same to all young gentlemen of this realme.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: 1636- Books
Mr. Blundevil His exercises, contayning eight treatises ... which treatises are very necessary to be read and learned of all young gentlemen that have not been excercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to have knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie and geographie, as also in the art of navigation, in which art it is impossible to profit without the help of these or such like instructions / To the furtherance of which art of navigation, the said Mr. Blundevil specially wrote the said treatises.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561.Date: 1636- Books
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M. Blundeuile his exercises : contayning eight treatises, the titles whereof are set downe in the next printed page: which treatises are very necessary to be read and learned of all yong gentlemen that haue not beene exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to haue knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the art of nauigation ... To the furtherance of which art of nauigation, the sayd Master Blundeuile specially wrote the said treatises, and of meere good will doth dedicate the same to all young gentlemen of this realme.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: 1622- Books
The foure chiefest offices belonging to horsemanship, etc / [Thomas Blundeville].
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: 1609- Books
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Markhams maister-peece: contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses. Drawne ... from the publick practise of all the forraigne horse-marshals in Christendome; and from the private practise of all the best farriers of this land. Being divided into two bookes. The first containing all cures physicall: the second all belonging to chyrurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any author whatsoever. Together with the true nature, use, and quality of every simpleple spoken of through the whole wor / [Gervase Markham].
Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637.Date: 1651- Books
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Mr. Blundevil his exercises : contayning eight treatises, the titles whereof are set down in the next printed page : which treatises are very necessary to be read and learned of all young gentlemen, that have not been exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to have knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the art of navigation, in which art it is impossible to profit without the help of these or such like instructions / to the furtherance of which art of navigation the said Mr. Blundevil specially wrot the said treatises, and of meere good-will doth dedicate the same young gentlemen of this realme.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: 1638- Books
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The theoriques of the seuen planets : shewing all their diuerse motions, and all other accidents, called passions, thereunto belonging. Now more plainly set forth in our mother tongue by M. Blundeuile, than euer they haue been heretofore in any other tongue whatsoeuer, and that with such pleasant demonstratiue figures, as euery man that hath any skill in arithmeticke, may easily vnderstand the same. ... VVhereunto is added by the said Master Blundeuile, a breefe extract by him made, of Maginus his Theoriques, for the better vnderstanding of the Prutenicall tables, to calculate thereby the diuerse motions of the seuen planets. There is also hereto added, The making, description, and vse, of two most ingenious and necessarie instruments for sea-men ... First inuented by M. Doctor Gilbert ... and now here plainely set downe in our mother tongue by Master Blundeuile.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: 1602- Books
The fower chiefyst offices belongyng to horsemanshippe, that is to saye. The office of the breeder, of the rider, of the keper, and of the ferrer ... the order of breding of horses ... howe to breake them ... Conteyninge the whole arte of ridynge / [translated and revised from Federico Grisone] ... howe to dyet them ... to what diseases they be subjecte. [The true arte of paring, and shooyng ... hoves].
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: [1565-1566]- Books
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M. Blundeuile his exercises : containing eight treatises, the titles whereof are set downe in the next printed page: which treatises are verie necessarie to be read and learned of all yoong gentlemen that haue not bene exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to haue knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the arte of nauigation ... To the furtherance of which arte of nauigation, the said M. Blundeuile specially wrote the said treatises, and of meere goodwill doth dedicate the same to all young gentlemen of this realme.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: 1597- Books
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M. Blundeuile his exercises : containing eight treatises, the titles whereof are set down in the next printed page: which treatises are very necessarie to be read and learned of all young gentlemen, that haue not bene exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to haue knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the art of nauigation ... To the furtherance of which art of nauigation, the said M. Blundeuile specially wrote the said treatises, and of meere good will doth dedicate the same to all young gentlemen of this realme.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: 1613