Dying for a holiday.
- Date:
- 1994
- Videos
About this work
the danger for travellers from non-malarial regions of contracting malaria in countries where the disease is endemic. Malaria symptoms are often mistaken for influenza and 50% of deaths from malaria in Britain occur in patients who were wrongly diagnosed. Neither is prophylaxis straightforward, as drug resistance has developed in some countries to medicines which are effective in others. Travellers, travel agents and G.P's need to develop greater awareness of malaria, its geographical spread, symptoms, and, above all, means of prevention. Contributors include Dr. Ron Behrens (London School for Tropical Diseases Travel Clinic), Dr. Peter Chiodini (London Hospital for Tropical Diseases), Dr. Kevin Marsh (Wellcome Unit, Kilifi, Kenya) and Simon Hughes M.P., whose brother died from malaria shortly after a visit to Kenya in 1993.
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