The head of Master Lambton ; John Hunter. Mezzotint by S. Cousins, ca. 1825, after Sir J. Reynolds and Sir T. Lawrence.

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About this work


After two paintings, one by Lawrence and the other by Reynolds. Cousins first used the plate for the Lawrence composition but abandoned it unfinished and reused the plate for the Reynolds composition, which was also abandoned unfinished. The painting by Lawrence had been painted and exhibited in 1825, and was bought by the National Gallery, London, in 2021. The painting by Reynolds of John Hunter had been painted in 1786-1789, and presented to the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1821. The present print presumably predates a finished mezzotint of the Master Lambton portrait, which Cousins successfully completed on a different plate in 1827 (Whitman, op. cit. no. 98, pp. 77-79; Wellcome catalogue no. 3312962i). There does not appear to be a finished state of the mezzotint of John Hunter by Cousins after Reynolds



Physical description

1 print : mezzotint ; image 37 x 29.7 cm

References note

Alfred Whitman, Samuel Cousins, London: G. Bell & Sons, 1904, no. 88, p. 74 ("The head of Master Lambton (No. 98) can be seen through mezzotint ground above open book on table. Only impression known. Mr E.E. Leggatt. On the impression Cousins has written in pencil "This mezzotinto ground was not found suited to the Master Lampton (sic) subject and was set aside for that, but used afterwards for the John Hunter. Samuel Cousins.")
Richard Palmer and Jean Taylor, The Hunterian Society: a catalogue of its records and collections, London 1990, p. 230, no. 399


Hunterian Society deposit, Wellcome Collection 3312960i


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