General remarks, case of peritonitis, post-mortem appearance - Enteritic and gastric affections with petechiae, petechial fever - Gastrodynia - Ileus, post-mortem appearance, recovery by passage of a calculus - Cyanosis - Erysipelas - Intermittent disease - Connection of cerebral with pulmonary disease - Pseudo-rubeola - Hysteria and the hysterical diathesis - Blood-letting in cases of congestion - Scarlatina maligna - Treatment of scarlatina - Chronic cerebral and spinal cases successfully treated - Meningitis, shewing only increased vascularity - Albuminous urine, ascites, paracentesis abdominis - Haematuria, probable ulceration of great intestine, with caecal abscess - Case of double consciousness - Puerperal insanity - On the plea of insanity in its relation to a recent trial - Bethlem - Homoeopathy and vis medicatrix - Remarks on the impunity of murder in some cases of presumed insanity - Formulae from the pharmacopoeia of the Infirmary of St. Marylebone.