Phrenological survey of the head of a (miss) Governor General. Follit's phrenology no.5. To be continued ...
Lettering continues with enumeration of organs: Organs. No. 1 Weight. A gentleman with an Aukward GAIT, and a worse STYLE. 2. Ideality. Remarkable case of mistaken identity. 3. Locality. Home, sweet, home, there's no place like home. 4. Veneration. Temple of Juggernaut. 5. Comparison. My proclomation [sic]; and, Masters - York you're wanted. 6. Acquisitiveness. In sacking the towns I of course sacked the pelf / And 'twas lucky I did, as I've got sacked myself. 7. Secretiveness. Lock; on the understanding, very odd, 'tho I've so often been found out; my abilities never have. 8. Combativeness. When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war. 9. Language. I came = I saw = I conqured [sic]. ? Unascertained. Whether his appointment took place after dinner, or not.