The exhumed corpse of the French King Henry IV standing bandaged and upright in a coffin in the vaults of the Basilica of Saint-Denis. Line engraving with etching by E. Bovinet, A. Chataigner and T.B. de Jolimont after E.H. Langlois.
- Langlois, E.-H. (Eustache-Hyacinthe), 1777-1837
- Date:
- [1817]
- Reference:
- 44469i
Licence: Public Domain Mark
Credit: The exhumed corpse of the French King Henry IV standing bandaged and upright in a coffin in the vaults of the Basilica of Saint-Denis. Line engraving with etching by E. Bovinet, A. Chataigner and T.B. de Jolimont after E.H. Langlois. Wellcome Collection. Source: Wellcome Collection.