A queen chess piece next to a condom on a chess board with the diagonal statement in Spanish 'Queen takes control'; one of a series of anti-AIDS posters produced by Artis entitled 'Imágenes contra el SIDA' [Images against AIDS]. Colour lithograph by Ana Busto/Caterina Borelli, ca. 1994.
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¡Reina toma el contro! Imágenes contra el SIDA. Artis. Paris - France. Ana Busto/Caterina Borelli. En 1993, el 40% de los nuevos seropositivo adultos son mujeres (Harvard School of Public Health, 'AIDS in the world: redefining the pandemic'. Conference on AIDS Yokohama, 1994); 60% de las mujeres seropositivas se contagiaron con menos de 20 años (Dr M.H. Merson; Xth International Conference on AIDS ... ; Mujeres con SIDA mueren dos veces más rápido que los hombres (Pat Closer. VI & VII Internation Conference on AIDS, 1992).
Includes quotes about HIV statistics from International Conferences on AIDS between 1992-4.
Image suggests gay 'queens' take control of their sexual life by using protection; a black knight piece has fallen over on the right.