Metamorphoses. Engravings by A. Aubry, 1703 (?), after J.W. Baur after Ovid.

  • Baur, Johann Wilhelm, 1607-1642.
  • Pictures

About this work


[Nürnberg] : [in Verlegung Rudolph Johann Helmers Kunst und Buchhändlers?], [1703?]

Physical description

Many prints : engravings


Aetas aurea. Saturno sub rege aetas fuit aurea mundi / omnia tunc tellus absque labore tulit. … Lib 1. The golden age. A rural landscape with several human figures and animals, as well as birds in the sky. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 1, verses 89–112. Bears number: 3. Platemark 15.5 x 22 cm, sheet 19.8 x 28 cm
Aetas argentea. Saecula picta vides Argentea, cum male diues / coepit homo validis bobus arare solum. … Lib 1 The silver age. A rural landscape scene depicting many farm animals and a few human figures, some in the foreground, with others labouring in the middle ground and background. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 1, verses 113–124. Bears number: 4. Platemark 15 x 20.5 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.2 cm
Aeneum et ferreum seculum. Post similem argento successit Ahenea proles; / ferrea mox animis terribilisque manu. … Lib 1 The ages of bronze and iron. A landscape showing the attack on a city, which is in the background, and the slaughter of figures in the foreground. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 1, verses 125–150. Bears number: 5. Platemark 15.5 x 21 cm, sheet 19.8 x 26.7 cm
Gygantomachia. Fulmine succumbit proles prostrata Gygantum / dum parat aetherijs bella nefanda Dijs. … Lib 1. .The battle of the giants. Large human-like figures who seem to be attacking a mountain whence clouds flow. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 1, verses 151–176. Bears number: 6. Platemark 14.9 x 20.6 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27 cm
Consilium Deorum. Dum scelera ac caedes regnant sententia divûm / constituit mundum perdere diluuio. … Lib 1 The council of the gods: they decide to flood the earth. A celestial scene with Jupiter looking down on human-like figures, who look back at him from below and talk amongst themselves. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 1, verses 177–198 and 244–273. Bears number: 7. Platemark 15 x 22 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.3 cm
Diluvium. Saeuit hyems. hominum pars interit, altera montes / occupant, oppletur sed locus omnis aquis. … Lib 1 The flood. Many human figures struggling, one female figure stands on a rock and seems to be praying to or supplicating the gods. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 1, verses 274–292. Bears number: 8. Platemark 15.2 x 20.6 cm, sheet 19.9 x 27.6 cm
Reparatio generis humani. Deucalion coniuxque hominum genus ecce reformant / e saxis, spargi iusserat illa Themis. … Lib 1 The restoration of mankind after the flood. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 1, verses 381–415. Bears number: 9. Platemark 15.5 x 20.5 cm, sheet 19.7 x 27 cm
Python serpens ab Apolline interficitur. Python ille nocens fuit exhalatio terrae / quem radijs ardens strauit Apollo suis. … Lib 1 The python is killed by Apollo. Both figures are visible in the landscape scene. Apollo’s chariot can be seen in the clouds in the background (left). Ovid, Metamorphoses book 1, verses 438–472. Bears number: 10. Platemark 16 x 21.3 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.5 cm
Daphne amatur a Phoebo. Instat amans Phoebus, iubet at frondescere Peneus, / et cito fit laurus quae modo virgo fuit. … Lib 1 Daphne is loved by Apollo. Apollo (Phoebus) chasing Daphne, depicting the exact moment at which she is turned into a laurel tree. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 1, verses 525–552. Bears number: 11. Platemark 15.6 x 22 cm, sheet 19.5 x 26.5 cm
Io amata â Iove in vaccam mutata. Ast Ioue cum magno male luxuriata iuuencam / induit, et furrijs exagitata gemit. … Lib 1 Io, loved by Jupiter is changed into a cow. A forest in the background behind the figures of Jupiter, Io and the eagle. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 1, verses 587–621. Bears number: 12. Platemark 15.7 x 21 cm, sheet 19.7 x 27.6 cm
Argus occiditur, Io reformatur. Iuno centoculo seruandam tradidit Io / nil facit. Occisi lumina Pauo gerit … Lib 1 Argus has been killed; Io is changed into a cow. Argus is lying on a rock in a landscape with animals in the background and Mercury flying away in the top left hand corner; a goddess in a chariot on the right. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 1, verses 668–688. Bears number: 13. Platemark 16.3 x 21.5 cm, sheet 19.9 x 26.4 cm
Syrinx in arundinem. Pan sequitur Syringa; fugit tamen illa; manetque / virgo latens in aquis, et fit arundo Dei. … Lib 1 Syrinx in the reeds. A landscape by a lake: Pan searches for Syrinx, who is hiding in the tall reeds. There are indistinct figures in the background. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 1, verses 689–721. Bears number: 14. Platemark 14.8 x 20.6 cm, sheet 19.8 x 26.6 cm
Phaethontis petitio. Imprudens votum iuuenis Phaethontis Apollo / implet, ut igniferos ipse gubernet equos. … Lib 2 The request of Phaethon. Phaethon begs Apollo who sits in a celestial space, above human figures who are struggling in the water. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 2, verses 31–48. Bears number: 15. Platemark 16 x 21.3 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.4 cm
Casus Phaethontis. Coelo errans Phaethon Iouis occidit igne, rotaeque / ardentesque simul praecipitantur equi … Lib 2 The fall of Phaethon. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 2, verses 150–200. Bears number: 16. Platemark 14.9 x 21.4 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.4 cm
Heliades in arbores. Fratris inexpletis lacrymis dum funus honorant / Heliades, lacrymans silua suborta stetit. … Lib 2 The daughters of Helios are turned into poplar trees. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 2, verses 344–366. Bears number: 17. Platemark 14.9 x 20.8 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27 cm
Calisto mutata in ursam infertur coelo. Quin etiam infelix odio Iunonis in ursam / mutata innumeris est agitata malis … Lib 2 Callisto is turned into a bear. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 2, verses 466–495. Bears number: 19. Platemark 15.9 x 22 cm, sheet 19.8 x 26.9 cm
Nyctimine ob libidinem in avem nocturnam. Noctua Nyctimene est quia luxuriosa Minervae / hinc illam cornix aemula persequitur. … Lib 2 Nyctimeneis turned into an owl. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 2, verses 566–595. Bears number: 21. Platemark 15.9 x 21.7 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.4 cm
Coronis ab Apolline per calumniam corvi transfigitur. Delator coruus, transfixâ virgine Phoebi / praemia nigrorem garrulitatis habet. … Lib 2 Coronis is killed by Apollo. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 2, verses 596–611. Bears number: 22. Platemark 15.5 x 21.5 cm, sheet 19.8 x 26.9 cm
Battus perfidus in saxum mutatus. Battus Atlantiadae promissa silentia fallit / quem deus in saxum vertit et obticuit. … Lib 2 Battus is turned into a rock. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 2, verses 676-707. Bears number: 23. Platemark 15.5 x 21.7 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.3 cm
Mercurius Hersen amat. Quis dubitet quin sacra etiam sint causa ruinae? / Nam sacra dum spectat captus Atlantiades … Lib 2 Mercury falls in love with Herse. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 2, verses 708–736. Bears number: 24. Platemark 16 x 21.5 cm, sheet 19.7 x 27.1 cm
Descriptio liuoris et inuidiae. Euocat inuidiam dum Pallas plectit Aglauron, / tormentum vehemens inuidus ipse sibi est. … Lib 2 Mercury calls upon the help of Aglauros. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 2, verses 737–751. Bears number: 25. Platemark 15.9 x 21.5. cm, sheet 19.8 x 26.8 cm
Aglauros inuidens in lapidem mutatur. Inuida Mercurium prohibet. sed numine laeso / custodem forium vertitur in lapidem. … Lib 2 Aglauros is turned to stone. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 2, verses 812–832. Bears number: 26. Platemark 15.9 x 21.5 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.4 cm
Iupiter in taurum mutatus Europam rapit. Si petulans fictum vites Europa iuuencum, / tam peregrè haud isses per mare vecta boue. … Lib 2 Jupiter's abduction of Europa. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 2, verses 833–875. Bears number: 27. Platemark 16.1 x 21.7 cm, sheet 19.7 x 26.3 cm
Cadmus draconem interfectorem sociorum perimit. Fortunam exilio Cadmus Sidone profectus, / nil mutat; socios enecat ecce draco. … Lib 3 Cadmus kills the dragon. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 3, verses 50-94. Bears number: 28. Platemark 16 x 21 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.3 cm
Actaeon in ceruum ob visam Dianam. Inscius Actaeon malefidâ aspergitur unda, / dum videt et nymphas et sine veste deam. … Lib 3. Actaeon sees Diana naked in the woods. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 3, verses 165-205. Bears number: 30. Platemark 15.8 x 21.4 cm, sheet 19.6 x 28 cm
Semele accessu Iouis occiditur. Dum Iouis aetherios Baccho grauis expetit audax / amplexus, Semele sensit et igne perit. … Lib 3 Semele is killed by Jupiter. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 3, verses 273-315. Bears number: 32. Platemark 16.1 x 21.8 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.6 cm
Narcissus in florem. Cum sese pulcher Narcissus spectat in unda / et secum iudit, flos fit amore finis. … Lib 3 Narcissus sees his own reflection, falls in love with it and is turned into a flower. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 3, verses 402-510. Bears number: 33. Platemark 16 x 21.7 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.6 cm
Tyrrheni nautae in delphinos a Baccho mutate. Nautas in virides delphinas mutat Iacchus / dum se aliò fallax nautica turba vehit. … Lib 3 The sailors of Tiresias are changed into dolphins by Bacchus. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 3, verses 511-571. Bears number: 35. Platemark 15.8 x 21.7 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.2 cm
Bentheus a Bacchis discerpitur. Ebria thyrsigerum dum vitat rex sacra Pentheus / non tamen à Bacchis quin laceretur, agit. … Lib 3 Pentheus is killed by the Maenads. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 3, verses 692-733. Bears number: 36. Platemark 15.9 x 21.7 cm, sheet 19.9 x 27.5 cm
Pyramus et Thysbe amantes ad fontem condixerant. Dum votum expectat Thisbe ardens rege ferarum / per tenebras viso territa, nuda fugit. … Lib 3 The story of Pyramus and Thisbe. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 3, verses 55-92. Bears number: 37. Platemark 15.8 x 21.2 cm, sheet 19.9 x 27.5 cm
Pyrami et Thisbes interitus. Impegit gladio iuvenem miserabilis error / illo etiam rediens fixa puella cadit. … Lib 4 The deaths of Pyramus and Thisbe. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 4, verses 93-166. Bears number: 38. Platemark 15.9 x 21.5 cm, sheet 19.8 x 28 cm
Salmacidis et Hermaphroditi amor. Salmacidis lymphae sunt desidis otia vitae / quae faciunt molles et sine corde viros. … Lib 4 Ovid, Metamorphoses book 4, verses 317-345. Bears number: 41. Platemark 16 x 21.5 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.3 cm
Iuno tres Furias incitat in inum inuisam. Ut Iuno satiet memorem implacabilis iram / atria terrifici tristia Ditis adit . … Lib 4 Juno summons the three Furies. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 4, verses 455-464. Bears number: 42. Platemark 16 x 21.6 cm, sheet 19.7 x 28.2 cm
Furiae Athamantis regiam peruadunt. Reginam Furiae regemque Athamanta venenis / perdunt et cladem Regia tota bibit. … Lib 4 The Furies enter the palace of Athamas and poison Athamas and Ino. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 4, verses 465-495. Bears number: 43. Platemark 17.1 x 21.8 cm, sheet 19.7 x 27.3 cm
Athamas furens Learchum Ino seipsam interficit. Mente carens Athamas natum minimum enecat ictu, / Ino de scopulo cum seniore ruit. … Lib 4 Athamas in his madness kills his son Learchus. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 4, verses 512-520. Bears number: 44. Platemark 16.3 x 21.6 cm, sheet 19.7 x 27.5 cm
Atlas in montem a Perseo mutatus. Rex negat hospitium Perseus tenet ora Medusae / ille fit immani nomine notus Atlas. … Lib 4 Atlas is changed into a mountain by Perseus. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 4, verses 604-662. Bears number: 45. Platemark 17.1 x 21.8 cm, sheet 19.9 x 27.6 cm
Perseus Andromedam liberat. Vidit abantiades vinctam victoque dracone / liberat et thalami ius dat habere sui. … Lib 4 Perseus frees Andromeda. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 4, verses 706-752. Bears number: 46. Platemark 16 x 21.7 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.9 cm
Sacrilegae Medusae crines in angues versi, etc. Dum sopor altus habet metuendum crine Medusam / utile Abantiades amputat ense caput. … Lib 4 Perseus cuts of the head of Medusa. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 4, verses 753-785. Bears number: 47. Platemark 16.4 x 21.5 cm, sheet 19.7 x 27.6 cm
Tumultuantes in nuptijs Persei in saxa mutate. Dum ruit in partes hominum ebria turba, furitque / Gorgonis aspectu saxea turba stetit. … Lib 4 [sic] Perseus turns into stone the followers of Phineus who try to disrupt his wedding. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 5, verses 1-235. Bears number: 48. Platemark 16.6 x 21.7 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.8 cm
Venus et Cupido Plutonem amore Proserpinae inficiunt. Cypria cum Ditis feriisset pectus amore, / is Cereris natam mente rotisque petit. … Lib 5 Venus and Cupid make Pluto fall in love with Proserpine near Mount Etna. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 5, verses 346-384. Bears number: 50. Platemark 16.1 x 21.5 cm, sheet 19.8 x 28 cm
Pluto rapit Proserpinam, Cyanen in stagnum transmutat. Infernas vehitur Proserpina rapta sub umbras / raptori frustra te obijcis, o Cyane . … Lib 5 Pluto seizes Proserpine; the weeping nymph Cyane is turned into a pond. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 5, verses 385-437. Bears number: 51. Platemark 16.1 x 21.5 cm, sheet 19.8 x 28.2 cm
Ceres quaerens filiam se irridentem in Stellionem mutat. Moesta Ceres sitiens tenui potata polenta: / dum puer hanc ridet, Stellio serpit humi. … Lib 5. While seeking her daughter, Ceres changes Stellio into a lizard. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 5, verses 438-461. Bears number: 52. Platemark 16 x 21.5 cm, sheet 20 x 28.5 cm
Arethusa ab Alpheo amata in fontem. Insequitur flagrans Arethusam Alpheus, at illam / clamantem spissa Delia nube tegit. … Lib 5 Arethusa is pursued by Alpheus: Diana conceals her in a cloud and turns her into a fountain. Ovid, Metamorphoses book 5, verses 572-641. Bears number: 53. Platemark 16 x 21.5 cm, sheet 19.7 x 28.1 cm
Ceres Triptolemum per orbem mittit, Lyncum in lyncem mutat. Triptolemum Cereris missum iugulare parabat / dum Lynceus saeuus, lynx cito factus is est. … Lib 5 Ceres sends Triptolemus out in her chariot to spread seeds over the earth: Lynceus the king of the Scyths resents him and is turned into a lynx (though in this engraving, he is turned into a sea-creature). Ovid, Metamorphoses book 5, verses 642-661. Bears number: 54. Platemark 17.1 x 21.8 cm, sheet 19.8 x 27.4 cm

References note

Roger-Armand Weigert, Inventaire du fonds français, graveurs du XVIIe siècle, tome premier, Bibliothèque nationale, Département des estampes, Paris 1939, A. Aubry p. 80, nos. 26-151 ("[Cent cinquante figures, d'après J. W. Baur, pour les Métamorphoses d'Ovide (1641), publiées chez P. Fürst, à Nuremberg.] Meyer, 18.")


Wellcome Collection 10022i



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