Collection of Salernitan medical works (Miscellanea Medica V)

Early 14th Century
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Collection of Salernitan medical works


1. ff. 3r-29r Nicholas Praepositus, Antidotarium

f. 3r Incipit antidotarium nicholai. Ego nicholaus a quibusdam rogatus ... f. 29r Zimur. 1. viridi eris.

2. f. 29v Receipt for 'Metridatum' in a large square hand

3. ff. 30r-38r Nicholas Praepositus, Quid pro quo

f. 30r Quoniam ea que utilia sunt in curatione egritudinum ... f. 38r ... vel in fronte proximo que est sub ipso. ['Explicit' added by a 15th century hand.].

4. ff. 38r-40r Mondino de Luzzi, Practica

f. 38r Cum accidentia que ad se convertunt curam sint duplicia ... f. 40r ... et. 3. s. hemodactulorum. [15th century hand] Explicit practica magistri Mundini.

5. f. 40r-43v Miscellaneous receipts: by the same hand as the main text.

6. f. 44r Medical receipts by 15th century current hands.

7. ff. 44v-48r Anonymous, De medicinis simplicibus

f. 44v Menta. calida. in. 2degree(s) [gradu] Apium. calidum in. 3degree(s). siccum. Dyuretica calida. f. 48r ... Granata dulcia et acetosa et mica panis sepe et sepe lota.

8. f. 48r-51v Medical receipts, a few in Italian, by various 14th and 15th century hands (ff. 49v-50r blank)

9. ff. 52r-58v Maurus of Salerno, Regulae urinarum, abridged

f. 52r Incipiunt regole mauri de urina. Quoniam de urinarum scientia tractaturi sumus ... f. 58v ... sed totum exhibitum nil valet ut ipse testatur.

Anatomia, incomplete

f. 58v Quoniam humani corporis noticia ex parcium cognitione consurgat ... f. 59r ... et digeritur et decalbescit doec videtur in carne testi.

11. ff. 59v Anonymous, Latin poem

f. 59v Debetur de iure mihi discere confore cure ... Nec scio medicari nec novi medicinari ... a patre tasilis jactatis atque remisis.

12. f. 60r-v Medical receipts in Latin and Italian by several 14th and 15th century hands

13. ff. 61r-120v Gerardus Bituricensis, Commentarius in Viaticum Isaaci Judaei (Here wrongly assigned to Gerard of Cremona)

f. 61r Cum omnia ex quattuor elementis generata ... f. 120v ... tales pulverizate cum oleo consolidare habent et mundificare. [By a different hand] Expliciunt glose nobilissime super Viatico ysahac quas composuit Gerardus Cremonensis qui transtulit Avicennam et eius in hoc opusculo ita sententiam compilavit ut de singulis et omnibus curis quas Viaticus posuit totam mentem Avicenne posuerit et de ipsius dictis uere traxerit nucleum medullarem. Cuius anima requiescat in pace.

14. f. 121r Medical receipts by 14th and early 15th century hands

15. 121v-123v Index to Gerardus Bituricensis, and receipts by various hands, in Latin, one in Italian

16. ff. 124r-138v Matthaeus Ferrarius, De febribus

f. 124r De signis causis et curis egritudinum particulariter tractaturi a febre nostre orationis tribuatur exordium. et quia sepius nobis occurrit curanda et universo corpori simul accidunt. [F]ebris ut testatur ioannicius est calor innaturalis etc. ... f. 138r ... cum aqua in qua bulli[?]erint[?]. d . [dragmata ?] gummi arabici. et succus eiusdem. Et hec de febribus dicta sifficiant. (Followed by medical receipts by two 14th century hands) ... f. 138v Explicit practica medicorum salernitanorum de febribus

17. f. 139r Receipts in various 15th and 16th century hands


Early 14th Century

Physical description

1 volume 139 ll. fol. 26 x 18 cm. On vellum, stamped leather binding over wooden boards, damaged and wormed, clasp wanting. Ff. 5, 6, 11, 16, 18 damaged with loss of text: the lower part of fol. 123 cut away. Many leaves rubbed, and stained. Written by severl contemporary gothic hands, probably in Italy. Hand A (ff. 1-49) Initials, headings and paragraph marks in red: in double column of 39-43 lines to a column. Hand B (ff. 52-59) Ornamental initial on fol. 52 in blue and red, with marginal decoration. Other marginal decorations in blue and red, paragraph marks in alternate blue and red: headings in red. Written in double column 58-74 lines to a column. Hand C, D (ff. 61-120) Initials, headings and paragraph marks in red. Written in double column 53 lines to a column. Hand E Initials, headings and paragraph marks in red. Written in double column 45 lines to a column. This section is in slightly shorter format, 24 1/2 x 15 1/2 cm. In the lower margin of fol. 43 are three small pen-drawings of retorts. Fol. 1 'Ad faciem decorandam', and other medical receipts, by a semi-current early 15th century hand. In the lower margin, the word square 'SATOR, AREPO, etc.' Ff. 1v-2v 'Hec sunt indulgentie sanctorum urbis Rome concesse per multos sanctos pontifices'. By a similar hand.

Acquisition note

Purchased 1910.

Biographical note

A vellum fly-leaf pasted down on the lower cover, is a leaf from an unidentified 14th century work on philosophy. No. 6 The end of this work is wanting. There is a complete transcript from the Codex Fritz Paneth, published by Sudhoff in Archiv für Geschichte der Mathematik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik, Vol. 12, 1930, pp. 27-32. 8 Here assigned to Gerardus Bituricensis, following Pansier's "Catalogue des MSS. médicaux des Bibliothèques de France" in Archiv für Geschiche der Medizin, II, 20. 9 This is a version of the 'Curae Magistri Ferrarii' first published from Codice N. 1506 of the Biblioteca Angelica in P. Giacosa's Magistri Salernitani nonudm editi 1901, pp. 1-68. A copy in the Laurentian Library was doubtfully ascribed to Maurus Salernitanus in Bandini's Catalogus, Vol. III, Plut. 73, cod. xxxiii.

Terms of use

This item needs to be accessed in our conservation studio. Email to request an appointment.

Finding aids

Catalogue description modified in 2014. For original description, see S.A.J. Moorat, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1962-1973).

Ownership note

An Ex-libris pasted inside the upper cover has been defaced, and only the letters R.A...are legible.


Where to find it

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    Closed stores
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Accession number

  • 26878