Oversize ephemera (A1). Box ++3.

  • Ephemera

About this work


Folder containing items of very large ephemera. Includes: Burgon & Co. (of Oldham)'s Licoricine cough medicine, a chart of various ailments and cures (Barcelona, 1880s?), a World Health Organization campaign in 1979 to eradicate smallpox in Africa, cholera, a series of American Geographical Society folded charts called 'Atlas of distribution of diseases', later 'Atlas of diseases' (which accompanied The geographical review 1950-1955, statistics and references on the back) showing the worldwide epidemiology of: poliomyelitis 1900-1950, cholera 1816-1950, helminthiasis 1952, dengue and yellow fever 1952, plague 1900-1952, leprosy 1952, human starvation 1953, dietary and vitamin deficiency diseases 1953, rickettsial diseases, louse-borne and flea-borne typhus 1953, tick borne and flea-borne forms, tick and mite vectors 1953, arthropod-borne viral infections 1954, leishmaniasis 1954, spirochetal diseases: yaws, pinta, bejel, louse-borne and tick-borne relapsing fevers, leptospiroses 1955, posters for "midget shows", giants etc. at the Piccadilly Hall (Frank Uffner's Marvellous Midgets) and Hanover Square Rooms, London (1853) and Royal Amphitheatre (Liverpool?), sexually transmitted diseases prevention (South African Khomanani / Soul City campaign), condoms, HIV and AIDS awareness and prevention, HIV testing and the Health Education Authority's national AIDS helpline.

Physical description

1 box ; 64 x 86 cm.



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