Mark Walport received a knighthood in the 2009 New Year Honours List for services to medical research and was elected as Fellow of The Royal Society in 2011. In 2012 he was appointed the British Government's Chief Scientific Advisor as from 2013
Sir Mark Walport PhD, FRCP, FRS, FRCPath, FMedSci, was appointed Director of the Wellcome Trust in 2003, having been a Governor of the Wellcome Trust 2000-2003. As Director, he promoted (among other things) the automation of the Wellcome Trust's grant-awarding process and the wider spread of grants internationally; the transformation of scientific publishing by the placing of articles in open-access repositories instead of in commercial journals; improved access to the Wellcome Library's historic holdings by digitisation; the translation of medical research into improvements in health and healthcare; and research into stem-cell therapies
There are three versions of this video with different aspect ratios in the department. The original video was shot with 16:9 aspect ratio (however, the accompanying image here is displayed 16:9 letterboxed to 4:3). The library player is displaying material 16:9 letterboxed to 4:3. There is also a version 4:3 full frame.
This video relates to an oil painting held in the Wellcome Library no. 825626i