South Wharf Receiving Station Rotherhithe 1883 - 1940 : a year-by-year account of events at South Wharf in the form of summaries and excerpts from the original records of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, London County Council etc.

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South Wharf Receiving Station Rotherhithe 1883 - 1940 : a year-by-year account of events at South Wharf in the form of summaries and excerpts from the original records of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, London County Council etc. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work



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1 online resource (299 pages)


"Compiled in 2017 as part of Piecing Together Our Past, a project run by Surrey Docks Farm (current occupier of South Wharf) and supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund" -- title page.
"This document was compiled by staff and volunteers of Surrey Docks Farm to provide us with the full chronological history of South Wharf Receiving Station, from the original sources. Its purpose is for reference, for ourselves and other researchers, in particular about the development of South Wharf, the running of the River Ambulance Service, and the staff and their working lives" -- p.3



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