"Thal Y list etc" series of files

Part of:
Dr Claus Newman: archive
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


A set of files concerning the "Y List" and assessments of children on the list. The files in this series were kept together by Newman in a filing cabinet drawer titled "Thal Y list etc". Additional files regarding Y list assessments that were not kept in the drawer are in PP/CNE/A/2.



Physical description

10 files

Biographical note

In 1973 compensation was agreed for those babies affected by thalidomide taken by the mothers during pregnancy. The "X List" was a list of 338 children whom Distillers Company, the manufacturers of thalidomide, accepted had impairments caused by the drug. The "Y List" comprised children with uncertain diagnoses who had their compensation either reduced or denied. Many appealed and were moved to the X list, though re-assessment could take years.

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