Cunkou pulse palpation, Chinese woodcut, 1817
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Cunkou pulse palpation, woodcut illustration from 1817 edition of Bian Que maishu nan jing (Canon of Problems in Bian Que's Book of the Pulse) by Xiong Qinghu (Qing period).
Cunkou pulse chart: The chart shows the site for pulse diagnosis according to the cunkou wrist pulse - at the cun (inch), guan (Pass) and chi (Foot), extending upwards to the yuji (Fish Border) point and downwards to the chize (Foot Marsh) point. The yuji point is located on the fleshy part of the thumb, and the chize point is located in the crook of the elbow.
Fanguang (dorsally located) pulse chart: The location of this pulse is an anatomical anomaly. Because the radial artery extends around the back of the wrist, a pulse corresponding to the cunkou can be palpated dorsally. The image shows the path of the shou taiyin channel, running diagonally from lieque (Break in the Sequence) to the side of the wrist and intersecting dorsally with shou yangming at the pianli (Veering Passage) point.
Image title: Cunkou maifa tu (Illustration of cunkou pulse palpation)
The chart on the right is headed 'Cunkou tu' (Cunkou pulse chart), and the chart on the left is headed 'Fanguang tu' (dorsally located pulse chart).
The anatomical locations/acupoints named in 'Description of Image Content 'are labelled on the pulse charts.