Personality and social behavior / edited by Kenneth J. Gergen and David Marlowe.

  • Books

About this work


Reading, Mass. ; London : Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1970.

Physical description

228 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.

Bibliographic information

Includes bibliographical references.


Personality and social behavior, by D. Marlowe and K.J. Gergen.--The psychological determinants of interpersonal behavior, by A.S. Couch.--Influence of social reinforcement and the behavior of models in shaping children's moral judgments, by A. Bandura and F.J. McDonald.--The "reinforcement" of individual actions in a group situation, by A.H. Hastorf.--The warm-cold variable in first impressions of persons, by H.H. Kelley.--Trust, trustworthiness, and the F scale, by M. Deutsch.--Instigation to aggression, emotional arousal and defensive emulation, by L.K. Conn and D.P. Crowne.--The search for a romantic partner: the effects of self-esteem and physical attractiveness on romantic behavior, by S.B. Kiesler and R.L. Baral.--Machiavellianism and the manipulation of one's fellowman, by F. Geis and R. Christie.--Conformity and character, by R.S. Crutchfield.--Need complementarity, marital stability, and marital satisfaction, by M.E. Lipetz, I.H. Cohen, J. Dworin, and L.S. Rogers.--A dissonance theory approach to defensive projection, by D. Bramel.


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  • 0201023547
  • 9780201023541