Narrative of the sufferings and adventures of Henderick Portenger, a private soldier of the late Swiss regiment de Mueron, who was wrecked on the shores of Abyssinia, in the Red Sea / by R. De May.

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view Narrative of the sufferings and adventures of Henderick Portenger, a private soldier of the late Swiss regiment de Mueron, who was wrecked on the shores of Abyssinia, in the Red Sea / by R. De May.

Contains: 44 images

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Narrative of the sufferings and adventures of Henderick Portenger, a private soldier of the late Swiss regiment de Mueron, who was wrecked on the shores of Abyssinia, in the Red Sea / by R. De May. Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


London : Printed for Sir Richard Phillips and Co., 1819.

Physical description

27 pages ; 23 cm


Part of no. 3 of v. 2 of the publisher's [New] Voyages and travels (1819-1823); at foot of first leaf in each signature: Voyages and travels, no. 3, vol. II.
"Taken down in writing, from the verbal account of Portenger, after his return to his regiment ... The narrative has been given in his own words ..."


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