The head of a man attending at the death of Eudamidas. Stipple print by L. Ruotte after G. Roques, 1810, after N. Poussin.

  • Poussin, Nicolas, 1594?-1665.
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About this work


Eudamidas dictated his will on his deathbed, leaving the care of his mother and daughter to two friends. The lettering interprets the man depicted as a physician, presumably because he holds one hand on the heart of Eudamidas and the other on his own heart, in order to compare the heart-beats. The publisher's legal deposit statement (loc. cit.) names this man as Charixenus, the man to whom Eudamidas entrusted the care of his daughter


Paris (rue St. Jacques au coin de celle des Mathurins, no. 64) : Basset Md. d'Estampes

Physical description

1 print : stipple engraving ; platemark 38.5 x 30.1 cm


Tête du médecin. Dessineé par G. Roques d'après le tableau du Testament d'Eudamidas. Peint par le Poussin, et graveé par Ruotte. Déposeé à la bibliotheque imperiale.

References note

"25 juin 1810, no. 106 (Dépôt légal des estampes). Deux épreuves de deux têtes d'études tirées du tableau du Testament d'Eudamidas, scavoir la tête de Charixenus et celle du Mourant, dessinées par {G. Roque} d'après le {Poussin}, gravées par {Ruotte}. [Déposant] {Basset}. 2 items. BNF, Est., Rés. Ye-79 pet. in-fol."- Image of France 1795-1880 database, accessed 30 June 2011
Richard Verdi, 'Poussin's Eudamidas: eighteenth-century criticism and copies', The Burlington magazine, 1971, 113: 513-524


Wellcome Collection 21288i

Reproduction note

After: a painting by N. Poussin in the Copenhagen Statens museum, after a narrative by Lucian


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