Pomada Aspaime, a remedy for respiratory complaints: advertisement. Colour lithograph, ca. 1910.

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About this work


A smiling young boy wearing a sailor's cap is seen through a porthole holding up a notice proclaiming the virtues of the remedy. The porthole seems to represent also the round packaging of the product (Robert-Sterkendries, loc. cit.)

A product called Pomada Aspaime was made and sold by Laboratorios SOKATARG, which had been founded in Barcelona ca. 1915 by Joan Gratacós Vallmajo (1883-1934) -- Hervás Pujal, op. cit.


[Barcelona?] : [Laboratorios SOKATARG, S.A.?], [1915?] (Valencia : Lit. Mirabet)

Physical description

1 print : lithograph, printed in colours ; sheet 90 x 70 cm


Pomada Aspaime. Contra los resfriados de los niños, contra la tos. Combate catarros, anginas, laringitis, bronquitis, pulmonias, asma y todas las enfermedades de las vias respiratorias que son caausa de tos ó sofocacion que alivia al momento y cura radicalmente

References note

C. Hervás Pujal, 'Notas históricas de un laboratorio farmacéutico de Barcelona: el laboratorio SOKATARG', Butlletí de la Societat d'Amics de la Història de la Ciència Farmacèutica Catalana : BSAHCFC.1996: any. 5, núm. 11, pp. 53-56
M. Robert-Sterkendries, La santé s'affiche, Bruxelles: Therabel, 2003, no. 336


Wellcome Collection 667617i


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