Cortese, Isabella (& others)
- Cortese, Isabella
- Date:
- c. 1600-1745
- Reference:
- MS.215
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Secreti diversi: compiled from the 'Secreti' of Isabella Cortese, the 'Discorsi' of Mattioli, the 'Herbario' of Durante, and the 'Vinti giorni di agricoltura' by Agostino Gallo, and others. With additions from a MS. of 1745. The pagination is irregular. The Index is by the earlier compiler. Pp. 1- 16 Cortese (I.). Cavati de' Secreti della Signora Isabella Cortese. [First edition. 1563.] 16- 60 Miscellaneous receipts and secrets. 60-62 Gallo (A.). Vinti giorni di agricoltura. [First edition. 1569.] 62-121 Mattioli (P. A.). Cavati dal libro dei discorsi. [Commentary on Dioscorides: first edition. 1544.] 121-127 Durante (C.). Herbario. [First edition. 1585.] 128-132 Calestani (G.) Osservazioni. [First edition. 1564.] 133-145 Miscellaneous receipts 'di varii Autori'. 148-167 Various receipts by an 18th cent. hand. A heading on p. 150 reads 'Secreti cavati dai M.S. dal P. F. Gio[vanni] da S. Gio[vanni] Pred[icatore] Cap[puccino] nel suo libro composto nel 1745.
c. 1600-1745
Physical description
1 volume 167 pp. + 15 bl. ll. + 17 ll. 8vo. 131/2 x 101/2 cm. Original vellum covers from part of a Papal document dated 1420: both leather ties wanting.
Acquisition note
Purchased 1935.
Finding aids
Database description transcribed from S.A.J. Moorat, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1962-1973).
Location of duplicates
Microfilm reference: AMS/MF/233.
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores
Permanent link
Accession number
- 69109