A litell treatyse of astrouomy [sic] : very necessary for physyke and surgerye, declarynge what herbes, and all kynde of medecynes are appropryate and vnder the influence of the planetes, sygnes and constellacyons : and also the partes and members of the bodye thereto correspondynge, and howe ye shall brynge the vertue of the heuens aud [sic] nature of the sters to euery parte of mans bodye beynge deseasad or sycke to the soner recoueraunce of helth : and also howe to chose the most luckey dayes and tymes for the aboue sayde, the whiche shal be appoynted by the almanacke yerelye, accordynge to the course of the moone, passynge by all the signes and sterres in one reuolucion / gathered and set forth by Anthony Askham physicio[n].

  • Askham, Anthony, active 1553
M.D.L. the xx. day of Marche [20 Mar. 1550]
  • Books
  • Online

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About this work


[London] : Imprynted at London in Fletestrete at the signe of the George nexte to Saynte Dunstones Churche by Wyllyam Powell, M.D.L. the xx. day of Marche [20 Mar. 1550]

Physical description

56 unnumbered pages : illustrations


Imprint taken from colophon.
Signatures: A-C⁸ D⁴.
Reproduction of original in the University of Glasgow. Library.

References note

STC (2nd ed.) 857a.5

Reproduction note

Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1999- (Early English books online) Digital version of: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 1762:7) s1999 miun s



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