Translation of "An essay on the means of preserving the health of soldiers " which is appended to his Account of the diseases ... in the British military hospitals.
Copy 1 Vol. 1 Note: The additions include in vol. i 'Discours préliminaire' by Le Bègue de Presle (p. ccxlviii with bibliography on p. [ccxlix]-[c]clxiv), 'Réglemens qui doivent s'observer dans les hôpitaux militaires françois' [extr. from 'Ordonnance du roi' 1 Jan. 1747] (p. cix-cxlviii, with additional regulations on p. cxlviii-cliii) and 'Mémoire pour servir d'instruction sur les moyens de conserver la santé des troupes pendant les quartiers d'hiver [signed Poissonnier, premier médecin de l'armée 18 Oct. 1757] (p. cliii-clix)
Copy 1 Vol. 2 Note: The additions include in vol. ii 'Traité de la dysenterie, traduit de l'anglois de M. Pringle'.