Christ rising from the tomb; prophets from the Old Testament foretelling his life; the Virgin; and Saint John the Evangelist. Oil paintings in a predella.

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About this work


The man on the extreme left is the prophet Habbakkuk, displaying a quotation from Habakkuk III.2, "O Lord I have heard thy speech and was afraid". Second from left is the prophet Isaiah with a book open at Isaiah VII.14, "Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son". The next figures moving rightwards are the Virgin; Christ being raised from the tomb by an angel; and Saint John the Evangelist. The second man from the right is the prophet Baruch, holding a scroll with the text of Baruch III.36: "This is our God, and another shall not be reckoned against him". On the extreme right is the prophet Ezekiel, with a scroll containing a quotation from Ezekiel XXXVI.26, "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you"

Physical description

1 painting : oil on wood ; wood approximately 52 x 251 x 33 cm


The man on the extreme left (the prophet Habakkuk) has a scroll inscribed "Domine, audiui auditum tuum, et timui", Habakkuk III.2. The second man from the left (the prophet Isaiah) holds an open book showing the words "Isaias. / Ec[c]e / uirgo / conc / ipiet e[t] pari[et filium]", a quotation from Isaiah VII.14. The second man from the right (the prophet Baruch) holds a scroll inscribed "Hic est [...] estimabitur", presumably Baruch III.36, "Hic est Deus noster, et non aestimabitur alius adversus eum". The man on the extreme right (the prophet Ezechiel) holds a scroll inscribed "Dabo uobis cor nouū ponā in. Ezahiel", a quotation from Ezekiel XXXVI, v. 26, "Et dabo vobis cor novum et spiritum novum ponam in medio vestri."


Wellcome Collection 561470i


Where to find it

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