Places visited by T.C.M. Drawings and watercolours, 1872-1879.

  • T.C.M., British army officer.
  • Pictures

About this work


The drawings follow the author's route via Malta, Gibraltar, through the Suez canal to Aden, India (Tamil Nadu, Neilgherry Hills, Karnataka, Calicut, Cannanore, Bangalore) and Burma (Rangoon); return to England (Medstead House and Hale Park, both in Hampshire) and Ireland (Birr, King's County, subsequently County Offaly)

Subjects include: ports, fishing boats, street scenes, army officer's bungalow, life on board ship, army camps, temples; also illustrations of humorous fictitious character Puffy Doddles (the hero of "Stable secrets: or, Puffy Doddles, his sayings and sympathies" by John Mills, London 1863) on horse-back going hunting



Physical description

1 album (40 leaves, 82 drawings and paintings) : pen and ink and watercolour ; mounts 57 x 41 cm




Fol. 4r [Wintry scene with a church and people in England]
Fol. 5r top: "Puffy Doddles is called in good time" Kinsale Barracks 1870 [Puffy Doddles in bed is woken up by man servant]
Fol. 5r bottom: "Puffy" arrives at the meet [Puffy meets the hunting party on horseback]
Fol. 6r top: "Puffy" thinks he had better steady the mare for the big bank before him [Puffy galloping on horse, man behind him has fallen off horse]
Fol. 6r bottom: [Puffy fallen off horse]
Fol. 7r top: Puffy Doddles eats his lunch peacefully (N.B. Hounds running like mad) [Puffy eats his lunch and dries his sweaty brow with a handkerchief]
Fol. 7r bottom: "Here's the little horse yar honor"? [Puffy stands next to his horse, straightening his top hat]
Fol. 8r: "Puffy returns to Barracks" [Puffy on horse trotting back into town]
Fol. 9r top: [Picturesque scene in Malta, boats with white sails]
Fol. 9r bottom: 1872 View from my room Malta [View of Malta from rooftops, late afternoon]
Fol. 10r top: Malta [Picturesque view of Malta harbour]
Fol. 10r bottom: Malta [A boat has come ashore, men and women standing near by]
Fol. 11r top: Malta [Malta, a harbour, men in a green and red boat]
Fol. 11r bottom: Malta "Ease and elegance" 1872 [A man wearing white, reading, and smoking a pipe]
Fol. 12r top: Gozo fruit boat [Gozo: a boat on blue water]
Fol. 12r bottom: [M]altese calesse [A black carriage on a street with white buildings]
Fol. 13r top: Malta [A white Maltese castle]
Fol. 13r bottom: Malta Oct 20th 1872 [Maltese people: three men and a woman, white background]
Fol. 14r top: Gozo fruit boat [Gozo: a fruit boat on choppy water]
Fol. 14r bottom: Malta [Malta: fishermen on shore]
Fol. 15r top: Entrance to harbour Malta [Picturesque view of Malta the harbour]
Fol. 15r bottom: Malta [Passengers on a boat, man in blue rowing]
Fol. 16r top: P&O SS "Mooltan" Oct.r 1872 [On the deck of a boat, sailors in white]
Fol. 16r bottom: The clubhouse, Aden, 1872 [Night time at a club house, men holding yellow fans]
Fol. 17r top: Suez Canal [A small boat sailing down the canal, towards the painter]
Fol. 17r bottom: Suez Canal [The canal with two small boats]
Fol. 18r top: The Neilgherries April 1874 [Green mountains, a small house]
Fol. 18r middle: Livesay [White men in river holding guns, black men in river carrying loads]
Fol. 18r bottom: [Black men carrying loads following a white men holding a gun entering white tent]
Fol. 19r top: Entrance gate to "Skirmishers rest" (on the left) Cannanore [Late afternoon view of a lake and mountains ?]
Fol. 19r bottom: Cannanore.Dec. 1875 [View of a beach, haystacks, moutains in the distance]
Fol. 20r top: Cannanore. Dec.15. 75 [View of boats at a harbour, palm trees]
Fol. 20r bottom: Cannanore. Dec. 1875 [Three boats in the sea]
Fol. 21r top: Cannanore Dec '75 [Boats with white sails, beach with palm trees]
Fol. 21r middle: [One palm tree by the sea]
Fol. 21r bottom: Cannanore Dec 75 [Boats near the beach where there are palm trees]
Fol. 22r top: "The skirmishers rest" [A room with guns, a shisha]
Fol. 22r bottom: "My bungalow" Dec 1875 [Green painted room, man lounged on chair reading and smoking]
Fol. 23r top: Mount Delhi north of Cannanore [View of beach and sea, mountains in the distance]
Fol. 23r bottom: "Tellicherry" south of Cannanore [View of boats sailing away from the beach. Mountains]
Fol. 24r top: Their's hou[s]e in Cannanore Dec.r 21st 1875 [Bungalow surrounded by palm trees]
Fol. 24r bottom: "The Ghaut Mountains" from Hoolicut SE of Cannanore [Green mountains]
Fol. 25r top: The Neilgherry hills [Green sloping mountains]
Fol. 25r bottom: Bellary [White building, big hill with buildings on top]
Fol. 26r top: Gibralter [Boat on water near Gibraltar]
Fol. 26r bottom: Calicut [Water pump beside shallow waters. Palm trees]
Fol. 27r top: Tower of silence, Parsee burial grounds [Grey circular building, birds sitting on it]
Fol. 27r bottom: On the march to Bangalore [An encampment of white tents, in the distance mountains]
Fol. 28r top: En route for Bangalore [Elephant with man with red turban beside the white tents]
Fol. 28r bottom: Coorg camp on the road to Bangalore [White tents on a hillside, lots of trees]
Fol. 29r top: Toda huts Neilgherries [Wooden huts]
Fol. 29r bottom: The Colonel's bungalow Cannanore [Sketch of bungalow]
Fol. 30r top: SS. Chaldoea Suez Canal 1876 [Man on deck of a boat, sitting reading]
Fol. 30r middle: The barracks. Birr. Kings Co. [Barracks]
Fol. 30r bottom: "My moor." Birr. [A man by the sea with gun, watching birds flying]
Fol. 31r top: Medstead House [Large house with lots of green vegetation around it, UK]
Fol. 31r bottom: [Medstead house with a tennis net in the garden]
Fol. 32r top: View from Medstead House [Late afternoon overlooking English countryside]
Fol. 32r bottom: View from the garden [View from a hillside overlooking English countryside]
Fol. 33r top: Hale Park [A white grand house with a badminton net]
Fol. 33 bottom: [Hale Park: a white grand house, badminton net]
Fol. 34r top: Pondicherry [sketch of men]
Fol. 34r bottom: Cuddalore. Cuddalore travellers' bungalow [Bungalow in woodland]
Fol. 35r top: Tanjore [Indian Temple]
Fol. 35r bottom: Anakarai chutrum [White tent between two trees: chattram at Anakarai]
Fol. 36r top left: Chetambram looking up the main street [Chidambaram: the temple palm trees]
Fol. 36r top right: On the road between Anakarai Chutrum and [words indistinct] [Building with statue of a head outside near chattram at Anakarai]
Fol. 36r bottom left: SS. Mecca between Madras and Burmah March 23 [On board a ship man in white green cap]
Fol. 36r bottom right: Chetambram [Chidambaram: the temple, steps leading down to water]
Fol. 37r top left: The yah [?] on board S.S. Mecca going to Rangoon [Man in white reading a book "La femme de glace"]
Fol. 37r top right: SS. Mecca [Passengers on deck looking out to sea]
Fol. 37r bottom left: Rangoon from where SS. Mecca anchored March 14th [Rangoon harbour]
Fol. 37r bottom right: In the Irrawaddis on board "yan keen tonu" [?] between Rangoon & Thyetmyo [Sailors on boat in white]
Fol. 38r top left: 43rd Camp Rangoon [Woodland, camp]
Fol. 38r top right: Government House Rangoon [Houses with red roofs surrounded by trees]
Fol. 38r bottom left: Thayetmyo barracks [Man lounging on chair reading and smoking in Thyetmyo barracks]
Fol. 38r bottom right: Inside the walls of pagoda Rangoon [Woman washing under a green umbrella]
Fol. 39r top left: Irrawaddy [Boats on the canal thatched houses]
Fol. 39r top right: Landing place at Thayetmyo [Cargo boat on canal in Thyetmyo]
Fol. 39r bottom left: [Burmese temple]
Fol. 39r bottom right: Thyetmyo Burmah [wooden carts on a field in Thyetmyo]
Fol. 40r: Rangoon. 79. [Village of huts palm trees, Rangoon]


Wellcome Collection 40180i


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