The vexatious litigant dies: the monster Litigation receives his soul, while Evil Conscience and Poverty dig his grave from which hellfire billows. Engraving by H. Goltzius, 159-.

  • Goltzius, Hendrik, 1558-1617.
  • Pictures

About this work


The dead man is marked "Litigator". The well dressed woman is marked "Conscie(n)tia mala" and the ragged woman "Paupertas"



Physical description

1 print : line engraving ; platemark 18 x 23 cm


Litigator. Consciētia mala. Paupertas ... Lettering continues: "Wat wint donwijse pleiter met syn moeilick draven? Dat hem quaey conscientie en armoey begraven. Mortuo ho(m)i(n)e impio nulla erit ultra spes, et solicitorum expectatio peribit. Pro. 11. So der gotlos stirbt, so ist sei(n) hofnu(n)g uss: da das hoffen der frascere(n) ist verderbuns. Vermis eoru(m) no(n) morietur, et ignis eoru(m) no(n) exti(n)guetur: et eru(n)t usque ad satietate(m). Esa. 66. Ire wurm werde(n)d nit sterbe(n), noch ir fheur erloscen. Esai. 66. Alii rapiunt non sua et semper in egestate sunt. Proverbi. 11. Bosz ist die armut in dem mund des gottlosen Ecclesiasti. 13. Esto co(n)sentiens adversario tuo cito dum es in via cu(m) eo, ne forte tradat te adversarius iudici Mat. 5. Bisz wilfertig deine widersacher bald, dieweil du noch mit im auf dem wag bist." Heading in Dutch, asking what the unwise litigant gains through his arduous efforts, since he is buried by evil conscience and poverty. The following lettering consists of quotations from Proverbs 11.7 ("When a wicked man dieth, his expectation shall perish: and the hope of unjust men perisheth", in Latin and German); Isaiah 66.24 ("For their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched", in Latin and German); Proverbs 11.24 (the Latin on this engraving means "Others snatch things that are not theirs and are always in need", though the Biblical text differs; in Latin only); Ecclesiasticus 13.24 ("Poverty is evil in the mouth of the ungodly" in German only); Matthew 5.25 ("Agree with thine adversary quickly whiles thou art in the way with him, lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge" in Latin and German) Bears number: 8

Creator/production credits

The subject appears to be derived from an earlier engraving by Jan Collaert (also after Goltzius?)


Wellcome Collection 26561i


Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

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