Pictor house.

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Pictor house. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

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About this work


This film looks at the work of the Lil Stockdale Centre for Spastics in Cheshire, with a voice-over from a mother saying how the centre helps her family to cope. 2 segments.


UK : Scope, 1968.

Physical description

1 encoded moving image (14.31 min.) : sound, color



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Terms of use


Language note

In English

Creator/production credits

Directed by Nigel Evans and produced by Randell Evans Productions


This film was donated to Wellcome Trust by Scope.


Segment 1 The narrator explains that 1 baby born in every 600 has cerebral palsy (the word 'spastic' is used throughout the film). A mother talks about the prejudice her family receive from passers-by. The narrator explains that this film will show a typical day at Lil Stockdale Centre for Spastics, based at Pictor House. There are 50 students, and some are shown playing. The history of the school is given. The school hydrotherapy pool and speech therapist are seen. A mother talks about how the school has helped her child. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:07:25:02 Length: 00:07:25:02
Segment 2 Children are shown cooking in class. A mother talks about how beneficial the school has been for her daughter, and how anguished she feels when people do not treat her daughter properly. The narrator explains that more needs to be done and that bigger and better facilities are needed. However, he also describes the progress made in the last ten years. Time start: 00:07:25:02 Time end: 00:14:31:05 Length: 00:07:06:03


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