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Saint Albertus Magnus (d. 1280). Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.
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Public Domain Mark
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Saint Albertus Magnus (d. 1280). Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.
De natura et origine animae. De nutrimento et nutrito. De intellectu et intelligibili. De causis et processu universitatis. Campo (Heymericus de) [-1460] Compendium ethicum. Commentum super libro Florum philosophiae. Opusculum quadripartitum philosophicum. Written in a neat semi-current German script, in double column of 41-55 lines to a column. Some large initials, capitals, paragraph marks and headings in red. Two sets of foliation have been used. The original foliation begins part way through the manuscript in which ff. 187, 188 have been dropped, and the last leaf is numbered 188 instead of 198. Folio 100 is wanting.
L. 1, col. 1 Incipit liber de nature et origine anime./Tractatus primus de natura anime in corpore/... 16v, col. 2 ... et incorruptione et opere tantum dictum est a nobis etc. deo gracias.
17, col. 1 Incipit liber de nutrimento et nutrito/Cuius primus tractatus est de nutrimento et/nutrito per se... 21, col. 2 ... dicenda sint a nobis. Et finitur liber de nutrimento./DEO gracias (red). AMEN.
22, col. 1 Incipit de intellectu et intelli/gibili fratris alberti episcopi Ratisponensis/Cuius primus tractatus est de natura intellectus/... 33v egens inquisicione etc. finis deo gracias.//Explicit liber de intellectu et intelligibili/vniuersalis doctoris Alberti magni/Ratisponensis Episcopi deo gracias.
34, col. 1 Incipit liber de causis et processu/vniversitatis a prima causa per fratrem/albertum de ordine predicatorum Cuius/liber primus, continet proprietates prime cause/... 98v, col. 2 ... potius extorta quam/impetrata. Et sic finitur liber/de causis et processu vniuersitatis a prima/causa Per fratrem albertum de ordine/predicatorum editus scriptus et completus/Anno domini M.CCCC. et Lo (red) deo gracias.
Fol. 1, col. 1 (red) Incipit compendium ethicum editum a venerabili/viro artium magistro et sacre theologie doctore/egcimio [sic] magistro heymerico de campo/Capitulum primum prohemiale.// Circa/ princi/pium proheu/miale/huius/operis/ethicorum//Post ea quibus homo uiuatur ad Aristotelis/professionem... 92, col. 1 ... et ante in/ceteris. deo gratias./Incipiunt tractatus et capitula compen/dii ethicorum./... 99v et diuina det eandem perfectionem./Et in hoc finiuntur materie/eorum tractatuum compendii ethicorum/compilati per Magistrum heymericum sacre/theologie professorem eximium/deo gratias etc.
Fol.101, col. 1 Incipit compendium prime philosophie quod in ty/tulatur uero naturaliter philosophie flores./... 160, col. 2 cuius pars et membrum sunt impe/dite et cetera et est finis deo laus etc.
Fol. 161, col. 1 Colligitur superno adiutorio illius/qui omnem mentem illuminat quadri/partitum persecuturus tractatus... 198, col. 2 ... Et in hoc/tractatu completum totum negocium.
An inscription of 1 1/2 lines on the verso of the last leaf has been erased. According to the compiler of Sotheby's Catalogue for 6-9 June 1910, 'This manuscript is probably from the Monastery of St. Barbara at Cologne'.
Purchased by Sir Henry Wellcome at the Phillipps sale (Further portion of the classical, historical, topographical, genealogical and other manuscripts & autograph letters of the late Sir Thomas Phillipps ... including upwards of two hundred volumes on vellum dating from the tenth century ... pt. 14), at Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, 6 June 1910, Lot 6.
An inscription of 1 1/2 lines on the verso of the last leaf (f. 198v) has been erased, but may include the name 'martin broegel' and end with the words 'der Brugghen'.
According to the compiler of Sotheby's Catalogue for 6-9 June 1910, 'This manuscript is probably from the Monastery of St. Barbara at Cologne', but no evidence for it is given.
Reverend Leander van Ess (1772-1847), OSB Marienmünster, professor of theology at Marburg university, MS. 230 in his sale catalogue Sammlung und Verzeichniss handscriftlicher [sic] Bücher aus dem VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV, etc. Jahrhundert, bestehend aus 171 Bänden auf Pergament, 19 theils auf Pergament theils auf Papier, und 190 auf Papier. Nebst einer Sammlung von alten Holzschnitten und kleinen Gemälden mit Vergoldung, die leider! aus alten Pergament-Handschriften ausgeschnitten sind, welche besitzt Leander van Ess, Theol. Doctor, vorhin Professor und Pfarrer in Marburg [Darmstadt: privately printed, 1823], p. 41; sold in 1824 to Sir Thomas Phillipps with 367 other Western manuscripts, a few Arabic manuscripts and over 900 incunabula from his collection.
Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), baronet collector of books and manuscripts, his MS. '614' (number inscribed on f. 1r); described in Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum in bibliotheca D. Thomae Phillipps, Bt. (impressum Typis Medio-Montanis [i.e. Middle Hill]), 1837-[1871]; Facsimile reprint : [London], Orskey-Johnson [2001], with new intro. by A.N.L. Munby), I, p. 7, MS. 614.
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