Collection of Salernitan medical texts (Miscellanea Medica XXXVII)

14th Century
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Collection of Salernitan medical texts


1. ff. 1r-8r Maurus of Salerno, Regulae de urina

f. 1r Incipiunt Regule Urinales Magistri Mauri. Quoniam de urinarum scientia tractaturi sumus ... f. 8r ... eodem modo subueniendum ut dicimus laboranti vitio splenis. Expliciunt regule urinarum magistri mauri de alba.

2. ff. 8r-v Urso of Calabria, Compendium de urinis

f. 8r Urina alba et tenuis summam et ultimam indigestionem significat ... f. 8v ... caloris est inditium cum colore signum faciente indigestionem et ventositatem.

3. f. 8v Medical receipts in a smaller hand, had a poem on medical weights. Medical poem in 68 lines, beginning 'Flegmatis insipidi sintomata predominantis' and ending 'Sopnia membra movent lectum perpete pugnantia'.

4. ff. 9r-14v Petrocellus of Salerno, Practica medicine, fragment

f. 9r Litargia quod oblivio mentis dicitur in acutis febribus ... f. 14v ... si necesse fuerit ad balnea sulfurea vel salsa ducatur ...

5. ff. 15r-22v Anonymous, Fragment of a commentary on Aristotle's Analytica posteriora

f. 15r Habito de sillogismo in generali et de sillogismo demonstrativo ... f. 22v ... quod valeat et quod non valeat.

6. ff. 23r-31r Anonymous, Fragment of a commentary on Aristotle's Categoriae

f. 23r Contra hanc responsionem dicendo quod in quibuscunque allis ceteris ... f. 31r ... nunquam erit divisio illius superficiei et hoc potest concedi. Ex hiis omnibus eligit probabilem ...


14th Century

Physical description

1 volume 32 ll. folio. 26 1/2 x 18 1/2 cm. On vellum, 19th century quarter calf binding. Lower part of Fol. 5 mutilated, ff. 1-4, 8 damaged at corners and margins: first two leaves stained.

(1) Written in a small gothic hand: initials and headings in red. In double column of 51 lines to a column. (2) In a slightly larger gothic hand. Spaces for initials: in double column of 39 lines to a column. (5) Written in a small current hand, probably later than the first two items. With many contractions, 40 lines to a page. (6) Written in a smaller current hand of about the same period as No. 3, also with many contractions. In double column, 74 lines to a column. A foliation in pencil has been added.

Acquisition note

Purchased 1913.

Ownership note

Inside the upper cover, in pencil, 'G. Oscar Jacobsen M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. from his collegue Eyrous Wrecktun M.D. (Philadelphia)', and below 'annotated by Ey. Wr. M.D.' Below this, and crossed through. 'E.P. Jscobsen. 18 Tudor Street W.C. 1896'. Outside the upper cover a small label inscribed 'The Property of Dr. G. Oscar Jacobsen. West St., Alford, Lincs'.

Finding aids

Catalogue description modified in 2014. For original description, see S.A.J. Moorat, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1962-1973).

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Accession number

  • 31965