Drug abuse : a criminal justice primer / Robert J. Wicks, Jerome J. Platt.

  • Wicks, Robert J.
  • Books

About this work


"Although this book is no exception, the authors are convinced that it will prove useful as a comprehensive first text on drug abuse for criminal justice personnel. It should be kept in mind that this book is intended to serve as a point of departure, not an end, in your understanding of drug abuse and its relationship to law enforcement."--From synopsis.


Beverly Hills, CA : Glencoe Press, [1977]

Physical description

ix, 148 pages : black and white illustrations ; 23 cm.

Related material

This item was donated as part of the DrugScope archive held by Wellcome Collection, reference SA/DRS https://wellcomecollection.org/works/psspw62x


Copy 1. Donor: DrugScope.


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