Special equipment at Carlson House school for spastics.

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Special equipment at Carlson House school for spastics. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

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About this work


Documentary illustrating some of the special equipment made and used at Carlson House School for Spastics, Birmingham, a school for children with cerebral palsy. 2 segments.


UK : Scope, 1956.

Physical description

1 encoded moving image (13.52 min.) : sound, color



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Language note

In English

Creator/production credits

Filmed and produced by Moorland Braithwaite in cooperation with the staff and children of Carlson House School, Harborne, Birmingham.


This film was donated to Wellcome Trust by Scope.


Segment 1 The children in the nursey school class at Carlson House School are shown. Their clothes are customised so they can practice crawling. The older children in the nursey class are seen learning to count and drawing. They have special desks with clips to hold their work materials in place. Students are shown modelling clay sitting at a specially made table. The narrator mentions that the school has their own carpenter who makes these modifications. One girl's adjustable desk is shown. The infant class are shown. One boy, William, is shown reading. The narrator explains that he can read but finds writing difficult. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:39:15 Length: 00:06:39:15
Segment 2 William uses lettered pegs to spell out words. A girl, Maureen, uses a typewriter with a frame attached and a stick to press the keys. A classroom of children, all working using various modified typewriters and desks are shown. The closing caption of the film has been typed by one of the pupils: 'These are some of the ways in which normal equipment may be inexpensively adapted'. Time start: 00:06:39:15 Time end: 00:13:52:05 Length: 00:07:12:15


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