Includes advertisements for Proctor, Son & Clague (manufacturing chemists, Cooke's School of anatomy, physiology, surgery and operative surgery, Heathcote science Laboratories, Jeyes' Sanitary Compounds Company's products, John Ford & Co. (glassware. Edinburgh), T.B Winter & son (opticians), William Marley (chemist), the contemporary science series (edited by Havelock Ellis), Mawson, Swan & Weddell's surgical instruments, artificial limbs, trusses "deformity appliances", leg irons and surgical appliances, Brady & Martin (wholesale druggists, student supplies, bones, skeletons), Guy's Hospital Medical School, Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, St. Thomas's Hospital, St. Bartholomew's Hospital & College, Medical Supply Association (surgical equipment), Boa's Nutritive Meulsion (Emulsion?) of cod liver oil, with carrageen (Peter Boa, Edinburgh), Heatley, Janisch & Co (chemists), MacKenzie's Cod Liver oil Emulsion (MacKenzie & Co., Edinburgh), R. McQueen & Son (cutlers and opticians and suppliers of trusses, artificial limbs, eyes, leg supports) - most of these were in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Edinburgh.