Segment 1 Chave, seated, talks to the camera. He begins by talking about the Great War and the three main health developments that happened at that time: tuberculosis, venereal disease and maternity and child welfare. He focuses first of all on tuberculosis. Chave gives a history of the prevalence of the disease in England and describes the setting up of sanatoriums in country districts by county authorities. Chave then moves on to talk about venereal disease which increased alarmingly during the Great War. The Local Government Board saw to the setting up of a national VD service with venereal disease clinics in every public health district in the land. The war years also saw the expansion of maternal and child care and the establishment of Maternity and Child Welfare Clinics across the country. At the end of the war, the Local Government Board was replaced by the Ministry of Health. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:27:00 Length: 00:06:27:00
Segment 2 Chave shows photographs of Christopher Addison, George Newman and Robert Morant, over which he describes their role in the establishment of the Ministry of Health. The first two major concerns facing the Ministry of Health were housing and the Poor Law. Housing had been a problem for over 50 years and remained so until over 30 years later when Harold MacMillan became Minister of Health. Time start: 00:06:27:00 Time end: 00:11:08:00 Length: 00:04:41:00
Segment 3 Chave moves on to talk about the Poor Law. The new Ministry of Health was made responsible for the Poor Law which it eventually abolished in 1948. The responsibilities of the Poor Law were now transferred to the local authorities, including the infirmaries which now became Municipal Hospitals. The Medical Officer of Health was responsible for the administration of the local hospital, as well as the Maternity and Child Welfare Clinic and the VD clinics. On top of that, he was responsible for the school health in his area. The Medical Officer of Health maintained this power for 20 years until the coming of the National Health Service in 1948. Time start: 00:11:08:00 Time end: 00:17:19:16 Length: 0:06:11:16