Four black silhouette figures behind the words 'AktionsMuseum im alten Schlachthor Wels' representing an advertisement for an event in aid of those with HIV and AIDS at the alten Schlachthor in Wels, Austria between 2 and 8 December 1994. Colour lithograph.

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view Four black silhouette figures behind the words 'AktionsMuseum im alten Schlachthor Wels' representing an advertisement for an event in aid of those with HIV and AIDS at the alten Schlachthor in Wels, Austria between 2 and 8 December 1994. Colour lithograph.

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Four black silhouette figures behind the words 'AktionsMuseum im alten Schlachthor Wels' representing an advertisement for an event in aid of those with HIV and AIDS at the alten Schlachthor in Wels, Austria between 2 and 8 December 1994. Colour lithograph. In copyright. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


[Austria?] : [publisher not identified], [19]94 (Linz; Druck: Trauner, Linz)

Physical description

1 print : lithograph, printed in blue, black and white ; sheet 83.9 x 59.3 cm


AIDS + der himmel weint. Aktionsmuseum im alten Schlachthof Wels. Täglich von 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr, 2-8 Dez. 94. Danke: Egon Andritz/Objektdesign; copyright/kopiershop; Direkta/druckerei ... wimmer/druckerei Translation of main text: AIDS + the sky is crying. Action museum in the old slaughterhouse catfish Includes list of thanks


Wellcome Collection 675177i

Copyright note

Egon Andritz [design] druckerei kopier shop kopier shop 1994 Austria 01/04/2009 UkLW Transcription from the item



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