Oversize ephemera (A1). Box ++4.
- Ephemera
About this work
Folder containing items of very large ephemera. Includes: Baldwin's Nervous Pills (nervousness, want of energy, neuralgia, fear, dread, hysteria, disturbed sleep, insomnia, melancholy), Baldwin's Kidney & Gravel Pills (kidney stones and bladder problems, pains in loins, lumbago), Baldwin's herbal medicines (nervousness, debility, consumption, insomnia, lowness of spirit), Baldwin's Herbal Tonic Mixture (restorer, purifies the blood), Baldwin's Herbal Female Pills (menopause), Baldwin's Bilious and Liver Pills (sickness, dizziness, pains, bile, jaundice, constipation, piles, liver troubles), The Glocester Journal (4 January 1808) talking about Napoleon Bonaparte's activities in Europe, Glocester Infirmary, Royal Elaboratory and small advertisements for: Odontalgic (for toothache), Pectoral essence of Coltsfoot (consumption, cough), Tyce's Ointment (for itch), Antiscorbutic Drops (scurvy, venereal ulcers), srofula or king's evil, Greenough's Lozenges of Tolu (cough, hoarseness), Dr. James's Analeptic & Antibiliousness Pills (health and longevity), Butler's Celebrated Restorative Tooth-Powder, Barclay's Original Ointment (for the Itch), Ramsay's Anti-Odontalgia (toothache), Robberds's Balsamic elixir (cough, colds, asthma, consumption), engraving advertisiing the Paris pharmacy : Celeberrimis Pharmacopoeis Parisiensibus Exponendum (1703?), confiscated medicines and pills of M. Le Marié of Rouen (1756), John Guinness Beatty's diploma to practice medicine (King & Queen's College of Physicians in ireland, 1866), Royal College of Physicians certificate allowing Arthur Shirley to practice medicine, surgery and midwifery (1924), 'Le médecin chez soi' domestic first aid and home doctor remedies (Dr. Dehaut), list of doctors of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Paris (1768, 1770), list of members of the Society of Apothecaries, London (1809), list of members of the Royal College of Surgeons in London (1808), list of "Magistri" (Quillau, University and Faculty of Medicine typographer,1758).
Physical description
- Nonprescription Drugs
- Nostrums
- Kidney Calculiprevention & control
- First Aid
- Physicians
- Societies, Medical
- Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821.
- King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland
- Université de Paris. Faculté de médecine
- Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London
- Royal College of Surgeons in London
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed storesEPH++4