A hammer killing an insect; advertising Chloro-Kampfer insecticide (Chloro-Camphre, also called Gammol), containing Lindane. Colour lithograph by Seiler, ca. 1950.

  • Seiler, graphic designer at Aarau, active approximately 1950.
  • Pictures

About this work


The head of the hammer is made of a box of the insecticide, with black lettering on a green ground, but with no manufacturer's name

Lindan (Lindane) is the gamma-isomer of hexachlorcyclohexane (HCH), the insecticidal properties of which were discovered in 1935. It can have toxic effects in humans. In the USA since 1992 it may not legally be contained in drinking water at a strength greater than 0.2 parts per billion. Its manufacture was forbidden in Germany in 1988, and a "Ban Lindane" campaign started in Europe ca. 2000


[Basel?] : [publisher not identified], [1950?] (Basel : Wassermann A.G.)

Physical description

1 print : lithograph, printed in colours ; sheet 126.5 x 89.6 cm


Chloro-Kampfer verstärkt mit Hexawirkstoff (Lindan) tötet Motten samt brut! Chloro-Camphre contient l'agent actif Hexa pur (Lindane), extermine les mottes et leurs larves. Seiler.

Creator/production credits

Bears signature of graphic designer "Seiler". Form of signature is similar to that on poster for Nationale Hunde Ausstellung, Aarau, 7. und 8. Oktober 1950, signed "Seiler--Aarau"


Wellcome Collection 5145i



Where to find it

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    Closed stores

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