Venice: Confraternity for the Redemption of Captive Jews
- Confraternity for the Redemption of Captive Jews
- Date:
- 1671-1711
- Reference:
- MS.5266
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
'Copie di lettere di Pidiom Seboim, prencipia l'ano 5431 ...'.
Letter book containing copies of 524 out-letters sent by the officers of the Confraternity (Deputati del riscatto degli schiavi ebrei) to their agent in Malta, and to Jews and Jewish communities throughout Europe.
Mainly Italian, but partly Spanish, Portuguese and Hebrew.
Physical description
181 ff 1 volume: 300 × 220 mm. Vellum binding with leather ties.
Acquisition note
Sotheby's 15-17 Feb. 1932, lot 293.
Biographical note
The Confraternity (Hebrat Pidyon Shebuyim) was concerned with ransoming captive Jews, especially those captured by the Knights of St John in raids on Turkish shipping.
Finding aids
Database description taken from that in: Richard Palmer, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Wellcome Library for the History & Understanding of Medicine: Western Manuscripts 5120-6244 (London: The Wellcome Library for the History & Understanding of Medicine, 1999).
Cf. Moisè Soave, 'Malta e gli schiavi ebrei', Il Corriere Israelitico, anno 17, 1878, pp. 54-223 passim.
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores
Permanent link
Accession number
- acc. 58624