A woman personifying friendship weeps before the bust of Giovanni Volpato. Engraving by P. Fontana, ca. 1807, after A. Canova.
- Canova, Antonio, 1757-1822.
- Date:
- [1807?]
- Reference:
- 2499383i
- Pictures
About this work
The monument by Canova in memory of the engraver Giovanni Volpato (1735-1803), in the church of the Santissimi Apostoli, Rome, represented in an engraving of the same size
[Rome?] : [publisher not identified], [1807?]
Physical description
1 print : engraving ; platemark 44.5 x 27.2 cm
Al ch. cav. Tommaso Puccini direttore della Imp. galleria di Firenze &c. &c. &c. Antonio Canova. In marmo, di grandezza al naturale ai SS.ti Ap., Roma. Pietro Fontana incise.
The monument is inscribed "Ioh. Volpato Ant. Canova quod sibi agenti ann. XXV Clementis XIV P.M. sepulcrum faciundum locaverit probaveritq(ue) amico optimo mnemosunon de arte sua pos. MDCCCVII", i.e. Antonio Canova placed this memorial to his best friend Giovanni Volpato, made in his own art, because he (Volpato) arranged for Canova at the age of 25 to be commissioned to make the tomb of Pope Clement XIV
Wellcome Collection 2499383i
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores