Catalogvs bibliothecae Bvnavianae / [Heinrich Bünau].
- Bünau, Heinrich, Graf von, 1697-1762.
- Date:
- 1750-1756
- Books
About this work
Lipsiae : Breitkopf for vidvae B.C. Fritschii, 1750-1756.
Physical description
3 volumes in 7 ; (4to)
Title vignettes; head and tail pieces
Comp. by the librarian, J.M. Francke
The library, which was one of the finest private collections of the time, was acquired in 1764 by the K. Öffentliche bibliothek, Dresden
Tomvs I, avctores antiqvos sacros et profanos, opera varia, scriptores historiae litterariae, philologos, epistolographos, rhetores et poetas exhibens. 3 v.--Tomvs II, historiam vniversalem, geographiam, genealogiam, artem heraldicam et chronologiam; historiam item antiqvissimam, cvm graeca, romana et byzantina; deniqve antiqvitatvm et rei nvmismaticae scriptores exhibens. 1 v.--Tomvs III, scriptores historiae ecclesiasticae exhibens. 3 v.
- Vol. I only
Where to find it
Vol. 1
Location Status Access Closed storesEPB/C/16033.v1