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Typescript of "Las transfusiones de plasma o suero animal desanafilactizado en el tratamiento de la anemia aguda post-hemorragica, shock traumatico, hipoproteinemias y toxicosis del lactante", by Jose Maria Massons of the Pharmacological Section of the Medical Research Institute of Barcelona University
- Date:
- 1943
- Reference:
- RAMC/615
Licence: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Credit: Typescript of "Las transfusiones de plasma o suero animal desanafilactizado en el tratamiento de la anemia aguda post-hemorragica, shock traumatico, hipoproteinemias y toxicosis del lactante", by Jose Maria Massons of the Pharmacological Section of the Medical Research Institute of Barcelona University. Source: Wellcome Collection.