John and Petra, two prostitutes who think they don't need to use condoms except with customers; advertising safe sex. Lithograph.

[between 1990 and 1999]
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view John and Petra, two prostitutes who think they don't need to use condoms except with customers; advertising safe sex. Lithograph.

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John and Petra, two prostitutes who think they don't need to use condoms except with customers; advertising safe sex. Lithograph. In copyright. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


[Netherlands] : [publisher not identified], [between 1990 and 1999]

Physical description

1 print : lithograph ; sheet 70.1 x 49.9 cm


Dit zijn John en Petra. Zij hoeven niet veilig te vrijen, want een condoom is alleen nodig bij klanten. Welterusten, John en Petra. Denk na. Vrij veilig. "They don't have to use safe sex, because a condom is only necessary with customers. Sleep well, John and Petra. Think about it. Safe sex."


Wellcome Collection 672103i

Copyright note

199- 17/11/08 Netherlands UkLW Transcription from the item



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