Advert for safer gay sex

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An advertisement for safer gay sex featuring photographs of naked male couples, a cartoon of a bursting tube of lubricant and a cat appearing terrified; issued by the Landsforeningen for Bøsser og Lesbiske/Sundhedsstyreslsen. Colour lithograph, 1991.


Sikker sex på plakaten. Design: De Baskerville. ... Landsforeningen for Bøsser og Lesbiske / Sundhedsstyrelsen 1991. Landsforeningen for Bøsser og Lesbiske is the Danish National Association of Gays & Lesbians (LBL) which was founded in 1948. The posters shown are from various AIDS organisations worldwide including the Werkgroep AIDS, Amsterdam; Helseutvalget for Homofile, Norway; The Hot Rubber Company, Switzerland; Auckland Community AIDS Services, New Zealand; Het AIDS Team, Belgium; and the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz, Switzerland. They feature photographs of naked male couples, a cartoon of a bursting tube of lubricant, and a cat appearing terrified at the non-use of a condom. Bears logo: Stop AIDS.


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