Thesaurus pauperum: in Italian. Followed by surgical and other receipts in Italian and Latin. Written in a cursive italic hand, 26 lines to a page, by the same scribe as MS. No. 378 in which 'Jacopo' is named and which is dated 1419. Paragraph marks in red, initials in brown ink. Most of fol. 22v and fol. 23 are written in a late 16th or early 17th cent. hand, which is also found in the additions to MS. No. 378 mentioned above. Fol. 1 [By a later 15th cent. hand] Capitoli del tratatto de cerusia / a capite usque [ad] pedes. / [In the scribe's hand] De rotura cranei primum capitulum / ... 1v, line 4 Capitulo xxv de le ferite sengne che non se salda / no capitulo. capitulo xxv. line 11 Hic incipit texaurus pauperum capitulo pri / mo. Siane manifesto che la perchussione / de lo capo...22v, line 7 ... commo si costumo / in questo molto gioua et adjuto. 22v-End Medical and surgical receipts in Italian and Latin. On fol. 22 a receipt for 'Unguentum gratia dei' has been interpolated into the text, which continues on line 4 from the last line of fol. 21v. The numbering of the 'Capitula' in the table on fol. 1 and in the text does not coincide. In the former the last 'Capitulum' is XXV, in the latter XXII, though the headings are the same. Produced in [Florence?].