Chirurgia. (In Italian.) Written in a clear book-hand in double coluumn, 43 lines to a column: form fol. 59 to the end written by a second scribe in a more angular hand, 36 lines to a column. Ornamental initial P with marginal decorations on first leaf, other capitals in alternate red and blue, headings and some paragraph marks in red. Fol. 1 (red) Chi comenza lo libro chiamato/Guielmo fato adi 5 auril. 1456./PRoponimeto del bel/componere lo libro de/la operation natural/... 3, col. 2 (Text beings) GEneralmente amaistramento/E queste cosse che fano mai/stro... 86, col. 2, line 5 e segondo la promission mia/abiando compido con breuita/quello che io promessi de scriuer/regratio lonipotente dio pater/et filii et spiritus sancti Amen.//Laus sit tibi christe quia liber/explicit iste.//finis. (Within pen-drawn ornament.) 86, col. 2-89 Medical receipts in Italian by several late 15th century or early 16th century hands. One on fol.86, for and embrocation [?] is by 'M. Gotofredo barbero da uenessa [Venezia?]'. Possibly, therefore, produced in Venice.