M0012966: Title page of An anatomie of the metamorphosed ajax
- Date:
- April 1953
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Photograph of the title page from Harrington, John: An anatomie of the metamorphosed ajax?, London, 1596, reproduced from a copy held by the British Museum (G10364).
April 1953
Physical description
1 photograph
glass plate negative; 12 x 16.5 cm
glass plate negative; 12 x 16.5 cm
Terms of use
Please consult the digitised version as this item is fragile. Email library@wellcomecollection.org to request access to the physical item Open.
Catalogue data comes from a combination of entries in the original glass plate registers, metadata created when the glass plates were digitised in the early 2000s and enhancements made by the cataloguer in 2022.
Where to find it
Location of original
Wellcome Library; GB.
Location Access Closed storesCan't be requested Note