C14 Chinese tongue diagnosis chart
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This book incorporates the teachings of Ao Jiweng (Song period, 960-1279) on the movement of Qi and those of Du Ben (Tao Hua) (Yuan period, 1206-1368) on pulse and tongue diagnosis, etc. Yanzheng she is based on an original text by Ao Jiweng, edited by Chen Shiwen and Shi Buni (Song period). It is a guide to the diagnosis of cold damage conditions according to the coating of the tongue, with 36 illustrations in colour.
The text states: In Ren fissure tongue image, the body of the tongue is red, and has fissures on it in the shape of the Chinese graph 'ren' [like a reversed lamda]. In light of this tongue image, the appropriate treatment is Diaphragm Cooling Powder (liang ge san) with Chinese Goldthread (huanglian).
In Worm-Eaten tongue image, the body of the tongue is red, and has red spots irregularly distributed over it, giving it a worm-eaten appearance. It should be treated with Qi Supporting Decoction (cheng qi tang).In Black Within tongue image, the body of the tongue is pale red, with a stiff, black part in the centre. This should be treated with Stomach Regulating and Qi Supporting Decoction (tiao wei cheng qi tang), and Poison-Removing Decoction (jiedu tang).
In jueyin tongue image, the body of the tongue is pale red with black patterns on it. It should be treated with Centre-Regulating Pills (li zhong wan) and Four Retrograde/Cold Extremities Decoction (sini tang).