Collections of acute diseases ... I. Of the smallpox and measles. II. Of the plague and pestilential fevers. III. Of continued fevers. IV. Of agues, a pleurisy, peripneumonia, quinsey, and the cholera morbus. V. ... of the bloody-flux, miscarriage, of acute diseases of women with child, etc / [John Pechey].
- Pechey, John, 1655-1716
- Date:
- 1691
Licence: Public Domain Mark
Credit: Collections of acute diseases ... I. Of the smallpox and measles. II. Of the plague and pestilential fevers. III. Of continued fevers. IV. Of agues, a pleurisy, peripneumonia, quinsey, and the cholera morbus. V. ... of the bloody-flux, miscarriage, of acute diseases of women with child, etc / [John Pechey]. Source: Wellcome Collection.