14 results filtered with: Urticaria - drug therapy
- Ephemera
- Online
Hacia la conquista de las manifestaciones alérgicas... : Trimeton, Cloro-Trimeton / Schering Corporation.
Date: [1951]- Ephemera
- Online
Medicación anti-histaminica : Neo-Alergan (metoxibencil dimetil amino piridina) : indicaciones urticaria, dermatosis, alergia gastrointestinal, rinitis, pruritis, asma / Instituto Sanitas Sociedad Peruana.
Date: [1950]- Ephemera
- Online
Alergias ... : Levadura Acidófila / "AMS" Associated Medicinal Specialities, S.A.
Date: [1944]- Ephemera
Calcium-D for chilblains : taken internally also for skin troubles, urticaria and all signs of calcium deficiency / [Thomas Kerfoot & Co. Ltd.].
Thomas Kerfoot & Co.Date: [between 1950 and 1959?]- Ephemera
- Online
Colefilaxe : antianafilactico y colagogo / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
Date: [1945?]- Ephemera
- Online
Nautisan : bei nervösem Erbrechen der Säuglinge, Pertussis, Chorea, azetonämischem Erbrechen usw.
Date: [approximately 1930?]- Ephemera
- Online
Apollo 7 : misi Apollo pertama yang berawak : Actifed dekongestan abad ruang angkasa / Wellcome Foundation Ltd.
Date: [1976?]- Ephemera
- Online
Plegicil : neurolplégico : gran actividad, dosis terapeuticas bajas / Laboratoires Clin-Comar ; hecho en Mexico por: Labfarmex, S.A.
Date: [1957]- Ephemera
- Online
Pepsinacid : granulado a base de pepsina y acido clorhidrico : insuficiencias gastricas, diarreas, colitis, urticaria / Laboratorios Brunschwig & Co.
Date: [1950]- Books
Triludan terfenadine : fast relief without sedation in histamine mediated allergies hay fever, allergic rhinitis, and urticaria / Merrell Pharmaceuticals Limited.
Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Limited.Date: 1983- Ephemera
- Online
Alivo... en urticaria y eczema ... Líquido Esplénico Inyectable Armour ... : Eritropoyesis ... Extracto de Médula Roja Armour / The Armour Laboratories.
Date: [1948]- Ephemera
'The Asthma look' : Actifed improves the outlook : Actifed tablets / syrup for rapid safe & effective relief in bronchial asthma / Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (Pakistan) Ltd.
Burroughs Wellcome and Company (Pakistan)Date: [1971?]- Ephemera
- Online
"Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." Neil A. Armstrong : Actifed dekongestan abad ruang angkasa / Wellcome Foundation Ltd.
Date: [1976?]- Books
Skin conditions : how to treat and prevent them / Boots.
Boots Company.Date: 1997