213 results filtered with: Tuberculosis - prevention & control
- Books
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Tuberculosis hospital and sanatorium construction / written for the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis.
Carrington, Thomas Spees.Date: 1911- Books
Vaccination par le B.C.G. par scarifications cutanées / L. Nègre et J. Bretey.
Nègre, L. (Léopold), 1879-Date: 1947- Books
The prevention of consumption / by Alfred Hillier ; revised by R. Koch.
Hillier, Alfred P. (Alfred Peter), 1858-1911.Date: 1903- Books
The King Edward VII Welsh National Memorial Association and its policy towards tuberculosis / Linda Bryder.
Bryder, Linda.Date: 1986- Books
Causes and prevention of tuberculosis / by Brice R. Clarke ; with a chapter on mass miniature radiography by Joseph Ritchie ; foreword by J. H. Biggart.
Clarke, Brice R.Date: 1952- Books
HIV/AIDS in Europe : moving from death sentence to chronic disease management / edited by Srdan Matic, Jeffrey V. Lazarus & Martin C. Donoghoe.
Date: 2006- Books
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The prevention of consumption : a mode of prevention founded on a new theory of the nature of the tubercle-bacillus / by C. Candler.
Candler, C.Date: 1887- Books
The Conference on European B.C.G. Programmes : conducted with the assistance of the Joint Enterprise Copenhagen, Denmark, 8th to 12th September 1949.
Conference on European B.C.G. Programmes (1949 : Copenhagen, Denmark)Date: 1951- Books
Handbuch der Tuberkulose-Fürsorge : eine Darstellung der deutschen Verhältnisse nebst einem Anhang über die Einrichtungen im Auslande / unter Mitwirkung von Altstaedt [and others] ; herausgegeben von Karl Heinz Blümel.
Date: 1926- Books
The science and art of deep breathing as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent in consumption / by Shozaburo Otabe.
Otabe, Shozaburo.Date: 1919- Books
Tuberculosis control as an integral part of primary health care.
Date: 1988- Books
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Simple lessons on tuberculosis or consumption : with reference to its cause and prevention / by M. J. Rosenau, E. C. Schroeder and Emile Berliner, special committee ; prepared under the direction of the Committee for Prevention of Consumption of the Associated Charities, Washington, D.C. ; Gen. George M. Sternberg, chairman.
Associated Charities of the District of Columbia. Committee for the Prevention of Consumption.Date: 1908- Books
Neue Tuberkulostatika und Tuberkulostatika-Resistenz von Tuberkelbakterien : Freiburger Symposion an der Medizinischen Universitäts-klinik am 10. und 11. Februar 1958, anläl̊ich der Einweihung des Neubaues der "Robert-Koch-Tuberkuloseklinik" der Medizinischen und Chirurgischen Universitäts-klinik Freiburg i. Br / herausgegeben von A.M. Walter.
Date: 1958- Books
A history of the National Tuberculosis Association : the anti-tuberculosis movement in the United States / by S. Adolphus Knopf, M.D.
Knopf, S. Adolphus (Sigard Adolphus), 1857-1940.Date: 1922- Books
The war against consumption : a popular handbook of the proceedings of the British Conference on Consumption, held in London, 1901 / by Dennis Vinrace ; revised by John H. Vinrace.
Vinrace, Dennis.Date: 1902- Books
Two tuberculosis anniversaries / H.P. Tait.
Tait, H. P.Date: 1980- Books
Stopping tuberculosis in England : an action plan from the Chief Medical Officer / [Sir Liam Donaldson].
Donaldson, Liam J.Date: 2004- Books
Tuberculosis : a short history = Tuberculose : uma breve história / edited by Alexander Medcalf [and others].
Date: 2013- Books
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Practical observations on the prevention of consumption : with statistical tables of the prevalence of the disease and of the comparitive salubrity of various places at home and abroad / by John Hogg.
Hogg, John.Date: 1860- Books
Techniques des tuberculino-réactions et de la vaccination par le B. C. G / sous la direction des docteurs Courcoux, André Meyer et J.-P. Nico.
Date: 1953- Books
The achievements of BCG vaccination : illustrated by material at the tuberculosis department of the Oslo Public Health Service / by Gerhard Hertzberg.
Hertzberg, Gerhard.Date: 1948- Books
- Online
Consumption : how to avoid it, and, Weak eyes two lectures / by B. Schwarzbach.
Schwarzbach, B. (Bruno)Date: 1897- Books
Sociaal-verpleegkundigen en tuberculosebestrijding : een beroep in historisch perspectief / Ernest Hueting.
Hueting, Ernest.Date: 1998- Books
Tuberculosis in India : a case of innovation and control / Nora Engel.
Engel, NoraDate: 2015- Books
Leven en werken van Willem Bronkhorst (1888-1960) / [H.M. Beumer].
Beumer, H. M. (Hendrik Maria)Date: 1972