17 results filtered with: Prophecies (Occultism)
- Books
Lettres inédites / Nostradamus ; [edité par] Jean Dupèbe.
Nostradamus, 1503-1566.Date: 1983- Books
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Mr. Lilly's new prophecy, or, Several strange and wonderful predictions of such things that have and are yet to happen, as well in England, Scotland, and France as in remote countrys : being left as his last legacy to the world, the like not having been published before.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1681- Books
Les prophéties / de M. Michel Nostradamus. Reueuës et corrigées sur la coppie imprimée à Lyon par Benoist Rigaud 1568.
Nostradamus, 1503-1566.Date: [1605]- Books
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Lilies prophetick occurences, or, An extract of some passages in Mr. Lilies astrological judgment for the year 1677.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1682- Books
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Prophetical observations occasion'd by the new comet: and by other signs in the heavens, as well lately past, as now approaching, viz. The late great conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. The transit of Mercury in the disk of the sun. The northern phenomena. The total eclipse of the sun.
Date: 1723- Books
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Les vrayes centuries et propheties ... / de Maistre Michel Nostradamus ; où se void representé tout ce qui s'est passé, tant en France, Espagne, Italie, Allemagne, Angleterre, qu'autres parties du monde ; revûës & corrigées suivant les premiers editions imprimées à Paris, Rouën, Lyon, Avignon, Troyes, Hollande, & autres ; Avec la vie de l'auteur. Et plusieurs de ces centuries expliquées par un sçavant de ce temps [L.C.D.J., i.e. le chevalier de Jant].
Nostradamus, 1503-1566.Date: 1710- Books
Nixon's Cheshire prophecy at large : published from the Lady Cowper's correct copy. With historical and political remarks, and several instances wherein it is fulfilled. Together with the life of Nixon / By John Oldmixon, Esq.
Nixon, Robert, active 1620?Date: 1759- Books
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The long-wished-for revolution announced to be at hand in a book lately published, by L. Mayer ... explained / by Joanna Southcott; With letters to her, from the Author of that book, and her answers; to which are added observations upon his wrong application of the Scripture prophecies. In general, and his ignorance, particularly in wishing for a period of judgments, without explaining what will bring this happy deliverance in the end.
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.Date: 1806- Books
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La concordance des propheties de Nostradamus avec l'histoire, depuis Henry II, jusqu'a Louis le Grand. La vie et l'apologie de cet auteur. Ensemble quelques essais d'explications sur plusieurs de ses autres prédictions, tant sur le present que sur l'avenir / [Balthasar Guynaud].
Guynaud, Balthasar.Date: 1712- Books
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Concordance singuliere de deux prétendues apparitions qui ont fait beaucoup de bruit en France ... : la première ayant occasionné, en avril 1697, l'entrevue de François-Michel, Maréchal-Ferrant de Salon, avec Louis XIV ... La seconde, ayant occasionné en avril 1816, l'entrevue de Thomas Martin, laboureur de Gallardon, avec Louis XVIII.
Date: 1831- Books
Nostradamus / [Michel Claude Touchard].
Touchard, Michel-Claude.Date: [1972]- Books
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The full assurance that the Kingdom of Christ is at hand, from the signs of the times / [Joanna Southcott].
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.Date: [1806]- Books
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The certain predictions of the great Alcos, astrologer and mathematician in ordinary to the Duke of Parma : upon the two comets which have appeared in our hemisphere 1681.
Alcos.Date: [1681]- Books
Prognosticatio eximii doctoris Theophrasti Paracelsi / Ad ... Principem Ferdinandum Roman[um] Regem semper Augustum atque Archiducem Austriae conscripta. Anno 1536.
Paracelsus, 1493-1541.Date: [1560-1580?]- Books
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Catastrophe mundi, or, Europe's many mutations until the year 1701 : being an astrological treatise of the effects of the triple conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter 1682 and 1683, and of the comets 1680 and 1682, and other configurations concomitant : wherein the fate of Europe for these next 20 years is ... more than probably conjectured ... : also, an ephimeris [sic] of all the comets that have appeared from ... 1603 to the year 1682 .. : whereunto is annexed the hieroglyphicks of Nostrodamus ... / by John Holwell.
Holwell, John, 1649-1686?Date: 1682- Books
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Mr. Lilly's new prophecy, or, Certain notable passages in his writings observed : to which is added, an astrological account of the future plenty or scarcity, dearth or cheapness of most sorts of fruits of the earth, merchandize, and commodities : as also, of the great floods, extraordinary snows, and other remarkable alterations of weather, and the diseases like to be predominant in peoples bodies this winter and the spring following.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1678- Books
Nostradamus astrophile : les astres et l'astrologie dans la vie et l'oeuvre de Nostradamus / Pierre Brind'Amour.
Brind'Amour, Pierre, 1941-Date: 1993