70 results filtered with: Prophecies
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Lillys strange and wonderful prognostication : being a relation of many universal accidents that will come to pass in this year, 1681, according to the significations of the celestial bodies, as well in this our English nation, as in parts beyond the seas : with a sober caution to all by speedy repentance to avert the judgments that are impendent.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1681- Books
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Two famous prophesies and predictions of Mr. William Lilly, the most judicious and learned astrologer of the age : taken from his secret writings, penned by him in 1644 : the former of which, exactly pointing at the times, by foretelling the mischief, danger and misery these, and other Protestant kingdoms, should be exposed to, by the crafty counsels and treacheries of the Romish priests, and by what means their deliverance should be wrought.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: [1688?]- Books
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An historical dissertation on the prophetic scriptures of the Old Testament. Chiefly those of a chronological character; shewing their aspect on the present times, and on the destinies of the Jewish nation / by Matthew Habershon.
Habershon, Matthew, 1789-1852.Date: 1840- Archives and manuscripts
Capistrano, Giovanni De, Saint (1385-1456) (& others)
Capistrano, Giovanni De, Saint (1385-1456)Date: c. 1620Reference: MS.177- Books
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A prognostication for the yere of our Lorde God M.D.lxiii / composed by Maister Mighel Nostradamus ; translated out of French into English.
Nostradamus, 1503-1566Date: [1563]- Books
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Mr. William Lilly's True history of King James the First, and King Charles the First. With sundry observations, remarkable passages, and many secret transactions not 'till now divulged / Faithfully published from his own copy.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681.Date: 1715- Archives and manuscripts
Date: 1569Reference: MS.71- Books
Anglo-Saxon prognostics : 900-1100 : study and texts / by László Sándor Chardonnens.
Chardonnens, László Sándor.Date: 2007- Books
The Welsh-mans new almanack and prognostication for this present yeare, 1643. Likewise, giving notice to all good peoples to beware of the danger that will befall them; if they take not heed in good time: wherein if there be found any one lye, her will be content to lose all her credite, and also her other legge and arme, as her did at Kenton battailes / Withall, her doe forbid to have any red letters to be rpinted in her almanacke, because her do not love the red colour never since her lost so much of her bloud at that time, as her did at Edge-hil.
Taylor, John, 1580-1653.Date: [1643]- Books
Brittish and out-landish prophesies: most of above a 1000 years antiquity, the rest very antient; fore-telling the several revolutions which hath and shall befall the scepter of England ... the fall of the Turk, Pope, Emperour of Germany ... and that His Highness that now is shall conquer most of them: also His Highness's lineal descent from the antient princes of Brittain ... Also, a short account of the late Kings original ... / By Thomas Pugh.
Pugh, Thomas.Date: 1658- Archives and manuscripts
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Toux, Jean Louis Lucas de (& others)
Toux, Jean Louis Lucas deDate: 1762Reference: MS.4828- Archives and manuscripts
Accard, Abbé (1734-1797)
Accard, Abbé, 1734-1797.Date: 1789Reference: MS.831- Archives and manuscripts
Orobio de Castro, Baltasar or Isaac (1620?-1687)
Orobio de Castro, Baltasar or Isaac, 1620?-1687Date: Late 17th centuryReference: MS.3722- Archives and manuscripts
Hasius, Gregorius
Hasius, GregoriusDate: 1515Reference: MS.332- Archives and manuscripts
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Wellcome Apocalypse
Date: c.1420Reference: MS.49- Books
Catastrophe mundi: or, Merlin reviv'd, in a discourse of prophecies and predictions, and their remarkable accomplishment. With Mr. Lilly's hieroglyphicks exactly cut; and notes and observations thereon as also a collection of all the antient (reputed) prophecies that are extant, touching the grand revolutions like to happen in these latter ages / By a learned pen.
Date: 1683- Books
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Prophesies, predictions and astrological prognostications : relating to sundry affairs in empires, kingdoms, and states, as they are in probability likely to fall out, and come to pass in the revolution of the great and remarkable year 1691, according to the observations of the learned : promising more particularly glory and success in England, Scotland and Ireland, with a discouragement loss and defeat to our enemies and the French nation, and other remarkable passages / J.P.
Partridge, John, 1644-1715Date: 1691- Archives and manuscripts
Collection of medical, patristic and theological treatises (Miscellanea IX)
Date: 1462-1470Reference: MS.506- Archives and manuscripts
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Collection of practical medical treatises in English and Latin (Leech-Books, VIII)
Date: Late 15th centuryReference: MS.411- Books
The original predictions of Robert Nixon, commonly called the Cheshire prophet, in doggrel verse; published from an authentic manuscript, found among the papers of a Cheshire gentleman, lately deceased. Together with Nixon's Cheshire prophecy at large; from Lady Cowper's correct copy, in the reign of Queen Ann: with historical and political remarks; and many instances wherein it has been fulfilled. Also, some particulars of his life / by John Oldmixon, Esq. and others.
Nixon, Robert, active 1620?Date: [date of publication not identified]- Archives and manuscripts
Ourches, d'Date: c. 1725Reference: MS.3727- Archives and manuscripts
Visions and prophecies
Chaussegros, Vital, b.1769.Date: 1814Reference: MS.1556Part of: Chaussegros, Vital (1769- )- Books
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The prophecies of Thomas the Rhymer, and the comical story of Thrummy Cap, the Ghaist.
Thomas, of Ercildoune, 1219-1299.Date: [1840?]- Books
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Rod. Goclenii, med. D. et mathem. professoris ordin. in Acad. Marpurgensi, Acroteleution astrologicum, triplex hominum genus circa divinationem ex astris in scenam producens, falsam[que] astrologiam à vera, rationibus, exemplis & experimentis distinguens, contra novas criminationes. : Annexus quo[que] est tractatus integer correctior quàm fuitante Cypriani Leovitii, mathematici excellentiss. De conjunctionibus magnis, eclipsibus solaribus & cometis, cum eorundem effectuum historica expositione, ob exemplarium raritatem rerum[que] & historiarum memorabilium excellentiam hoc loco dignissimus.
Goclenius, Rudolph, 1572-1621.Date: MDCXVIII [1618]- Books
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The vvorlds proceeding woes and succeeding joyes, 1. in cruell warres and vehement plagues, 2. in happy peace and vnity amongst all living creatures, or, The triple presage of Henry Alsted, a man every way most learned, depending as well on the oracles of heaven as on the opinions of the greatest astrologers : with an addition of the fiery conjunction of Saturn and Iupiter, this instant February, denouncing many calamities to the world, or certaine regions thereof : in which discourse is discovered the opinions of many learned men concerning Christs personall reign upon earth and confirmed by the most comfortable prophecie of Tyche Brahe, touching the most blessed age even now at hand.
Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 1588-1638Date: 1642