42 results filtered with: Plant Preparations, therapeutic use
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Lettera del medico Gioanni Francesco Re ... al suo amico N.N. sovra un nuovo succedaneo della corteccia del Perù : dedicata ai meriti impareggiabili dell'illustrissimo signor conte Michele Saverio Provana del Sabione.
Re, Giovanni Francesco.Date: 1820- Books
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Le cèdre en thérapeutique : le cèdre de l'Atlas 'le Libanol' : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 28 juin 1901 / par H. Huertas.
Huertas, H., 1874-Date: 1901- Books
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Observations and experiments on the Humulus lupulus of Linnaeus : with an account of its use in gout, and other diseases, with cases / by A. Freake.
Freake, A.Date: 1806- Books
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Dysentery and its treatment : with an account of six years' experience in the Transvaal and Matabeleland in the use of some varieties of monsonia as the curative agent / by John Maberly.
Maberly, John.Date: 1897- Books
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A practical treatise on the anti-asthmatic properties of the bladder-podded lobelia, (Lobelia inflata, Linn.) : with directions for the exhibition of the preparations of it, which have succeeded in the practice of the most eminent physicians of the United States, of Dr. Andrews, of Glasgow, of Surgeon Gordon, and of other practitioners of England, in the cure and prevention of asthma : with instructions as to diet, exercise, &c. and remarks on the supposed varieties of the disease : to which is added, an account of the chirayita herb, lately introduced as a remedy for nervous and gouty indigestion, morbid sensibility of the stomach, and obstructions of the liver, etc. etc. / by Richard Reece.
Reece, Richard, 1775-1831.Date: Printed for Ridgway,- Books
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The sumbul : a new Asiatic remedy of great power against nervous disorders, spasms of the stomach, cramp, hysterical affections, paralysis of the limbs, and epilepsy : with an account of its physical, chemical, and medicinal characters, and specific property of checking the progress of collapse-cholera, as first ascertained in Russia / by A.B. Granville.
Granville, A. B. (Augustus Bozzi), 1783-1872.Date: 1859- Books
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Ueber die Anwendung der Digitalis bei Herzkrankheiten : Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doctorwürde in der Medicin unter dem Praesidium von Dr. Felix Niemeyer ... / vorgelegt von Paul Reich.
Reich, Paul.Date: 1864- Books
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The opium habit : its successful treatment by the avena sativa : a paper read before the New York State Medical Society, February 9th, 1882, with additions, giving a fuller description of its therapeutic action in different diseases, etc. / by E.H.M. Sell.
Sell, E. H. M. (Edward Herman Miller), 1832-1920.Date: 1883- Books
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Behandlung der croupoesen Pneumonie mit Veratrum-Praeparaten / von Theodor Kocher.
Kocher, Emil Theodor, 1841-1917.Date: 1866- Books
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Indigenous remedies of the Southern Confederacy which may be employed in the treatment of malarial fever / by Joseph Jones.
Jones, Joseph, 1833-1896.Date: 1861- Books
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Observations on the properties of foxglove and the best manner of administering that plant / by C. Labelonye.
Labelonye, C.Date: [1865?]- Books
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The action and uses of digitalis in cardiac failure : a clinical lecture delivered at the Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, Brompton / by J. Mitchell Bruce.
Bruce, J. Mitchell (John Mitchell), 1846-1929.Date: 1906- Books
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A short address to the faculty, and others whom it may concern, recommending the use of a new poultice : with the view of saving wholly the consumption of bread and oatmeal, (at this time in common use for poultices) being also a great saving in expence, and attended with many other advantages, not only to public hospitals, and the navy particularly, but to private families / by Thomas Payne.
Payne, Thomas.Date: 1796- Books
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A practical treatise on the peculiar tonic & stomachic properties of the round-leaf cornel, (Cornus circinata) : particularly in cases of indigestion of weakly & elderly people, and for local and general debility, the consequences of excessive indulgence in spirituous or vinous liquors, savoury dishes, or a long residence in a tropical climate, and for the breaking up the system, termed the climacteric malady : with directions as to the choice of articles of diet, etc. etc. : to which is added, an account of the antispasmodic properties of the lobelia inflata, with directions for its exhibition in spasmodic asthma, hooping cough, St. Vitus's dance, etc. / by J.H. Robinson.
Robinson, Joseph Heyliger, -1835.Date: 1829- Books
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The properties and preparation of the Rio Negro sarsaparilla, and of the angustura bark, practically examined / by John Hancock.
Hancock, John, -approximately 1840.Date: 1829- Books
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On the characters, actions, and therapeutic uses of the ordeal bean of Calabar, (Physostigma venenosum, Balfour) : a graduation thesis, for which a gold medal was awarded by the Edinburgh University, August 1862 / by Thomas R. Fraser.
Fraser, Sir Thomas Richard, 1841-1920.Date: 1863- Books
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Remarks on the efficacy of matico, as a styptic and astringent : with additional cases, mode of exhibition, &c. / by Thos. Jeffreys.
Jeffreys, Thomas, 1774?-1852.Date: 1845- Books
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On the efficacy of the secale cornutum in haemorrhage and leucorrhoea, and on its effects in gonorrhoea / by G. Negri.
Negri, Gaetano.Date: [1833]- Books
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Del valore della Ballota lanata L. per la cura delle affezioni reumatiche, artritiche e gottose : cenni clinici / del prof. Valeriano-Luigi Brera.
Brera Valeriano Luigi, 1772-1840.Date: 1832- Books
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Coqueluche et belladone : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 11 juillet 1903 / par Raoul Poussin.
Poussin, Raoul.Date: 1903- Books
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On epilepsy : and the use of the viscus quercinus, or, misletoe [sic] of the oak, in the cure of that disease / by Henry Fraser.
Fraser, Henry.Date: 1806- Books
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A practical treatise on general or partial debility, either original or hereditary, or from age, dissipation, residence in a tropical climate, etc. : and on the most effectual means of preventing and curing organic diseases, &c. which undermine the constitution and lay the foundation of the climacteric malady, or breaking up of the constitution in both sexes : by diet, exercise, and the round-leaf cornel, where a tonic remedy is necessary : to which is added an account of the lobelia inflata, the celebrated American specific for asthma, with remarks on the seat, causes, dietetic and medical treatment of the different varieties of asthma / by S.H. Robinson.
Robinson, Joseph Heyliger, -1835.Date: [1837]- Books
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Practical observations on the use of the Indian bael or bela, in dysentery, diarrhoea, &c. / by a late member of the profession, Bengal Presidency.
Date: [1857?]- Books
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Some clinical observations on diphtheria and veratrum viride as the basis of treatment / by Jno. M. Boyd.
Boyd, John M.Date: 1888- Books
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Specimen medicum inaugurale, de phloridzine ... / defendet Andreas Adrianus Antonius Barning.
Barning, Andreas Adrianus Antonius.Date: 1837